The Best Group To Get Reviews********************* : Forum : I reviewed today..did you?

I reviewed today..did you?

8 Years Ago

Chapter 1Chapter 1A Chapter by Matthew-Ryan Willams

If you read a story or a poem and you would like to share a few words with the group please note: 

The Authors Name and Title:

How did it make you feel ?

Which of the Characters did you like best in the story? Why?

and anything else that you might like to add....

Re: I reviewed today..did you?

8 Years Ago

       Well I downloaded the posted book White-River by Maddy Meyers to my Kindle which I intend to read through tomorrow if I'm lucky.    I had to start with that one when I saw it was about wolves. I have a real partiality for animal stories, especially of the lupine sort. :)
      Hopefully I'll be able to comment on it after that.

Re: I reviewed today..did you?

8 Years Ago

awww Thanks for sharing and Yes fill us in !!!!!  :)  would like to know a little bit more....that sounds great

Re: I reviewed today..did you?

8 Years Ago

Okay I posted a review of the story White-River.   It's over on Maddy Meyers' user page.


Re: I reviewed today..did you?

8 Years Ago

that's awesome:))