The Best Group To Get Reviews********************* : Forum : Hi everyone

Hi everyone

8 Years Ago

I've been in a few groups on here and no matter how many reviews I give I never get one back. I see you guys Are a smaller group and look forward to being here. If you need a review let me know I'll try my best to help.

Re: Hi everyone

8 Years Ago

Hello and Welcome !!!!  

Matthew-Ryan Willams
Matthew-Ryan Willams

Re: Hi everyone

8 Years Ago

Thanks to any that take the time to read my book. I hope to see some reviews. I want to be a better writer. PS that is a raw copy so none of the edits to the final version are in it.

Re: Hi everyone

8 Years Ago

Very Well said and understood. 

We could all use some pointers at becoming better writers so for all the members of this group please take a moment out of your day to do one R&R.
Thank You kindly..