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writing tips:

8 Years Ago

After all, you never know when a great idea will strike up or you may want to write that last line of your novel while standing in line at the grocery store! But let’s be clear, the notebook isn’t actually necessary. Most of us have smart phones and other mobile devices that are in many ways better than pens and paper notebooks.

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

A WRITERS WORK IS NEVER DONE... So Here is my Question to you all..Do you carry a notebook? A smart phone or other device? How do you keep track of all your ideas? Leave a comment

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

I may not always carry a book with me. But I will always have a pen in my pocket. So that whenever I get a thread I can jot it down on my palm.

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

Originally posted by Sandra Nair
I may not always carry a book with me. But I will always have a pen in my pocket. So that whenever I get a thread I can jot it down on my palm.

Or on a napkin like J.K Rowling.

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

I always have my phone on me so whenever something pops in my head I put it in my memo.

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

say it isn't so but I need a recorder device it seems every time I drive a thought or a line comes to mind..has this ever happened to anyone?
and you can't write it down because your driving and you sure don't want to forget it...

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

I have a custom writing app I use. And on the off chance I am driving it has a built in recorder

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

I have a document on my computer for any inspiration I get. I also have this app called CreativeWriter. This app is also very good with writers block too (and it's free!!).  

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

Great feedback...thanks everyone !!

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

        Many years ago I got in the habit of always keeping a tape recorder with me. Originally it was a way to record my dreams in the morning which I discovered to be much easier then having to turn on the light.    Light is the stealer of dreams.    The tape recorder I soon learned could be operated totally by feel.
        That was the beginning and since then I've gone from bulky cassette recorders to Walkman style recorders to micro-cassette recorders to the Sony IC/MP3 voice recorder I now always wear about my neck.   Considering that I've always been the type that does my best thinking while pacing or walking having a voice recorder has been one of my most important writing tool as it's something I can use while walking or hiking, driving or for the years before I retired a way to record my thoughts and ideas at work.
And that's my two-cents worth of opinions.

Re: writing tips:

8 Years Ago

what a wonderful story :)  thanks for sharing some of your thoughts