Testriffic Refugees. : Forum : The Appreciation Game

The Appreciation Game

16 Years Ago

I read about this game on another web site, and I think it would be an interesting topic to post.

It seems that we, as people, are oftentimes far more critical of ourselves than others are of us. We criticize our minds, our beliefs, our appearance, our possessions--what do we not criticize?

One of the most respectable traits a person can have is the ability to appreciate other people. However, it is also important for us to appreciate ourselves.

So, this is my challenge to you. Each day for thirty days, I would like you to post a post in this thread stating something about yourself that you appreciate. These things should be positive thoughts only. Don't miss a day, okay?

After thirty days, you will begin to notice and focus on the positive things about yourself as opposed to the negative things.

So, I shall start us off, as I am the starter of this thread.

I appreciate my ability to listen to others.

Your turn! =]

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I appreciate my ability for seeing most outcomes before they happen.