Teen Life : Forum : ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

~Sex~ Where do you stand?

15 Years Ago

Sex. Oh what a word! Whether you’re doing it or not it still relates to you. The pressure us teenagers have been put under for this topic is enough to make you want to scream. We are told not to do it by one lot of people and another lot say to use protection. Then we have others that pressure you to do it by either social agenda (“everyone else is doing it, so I should be too”) or by the “if you loved me, you would” line. Of course there is a lot more to it. I could write pages, that’s how huge the subject is.


What I want to know is where you stand on this subject.


Yes or no to sex?

What age is it okay?

When�s the right time?

Let us know YOUR views and opinions on the subject.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Sex is a life changing subject.

I say No to sex before i am in love.

The right age for me is about 18, Never do it when your too young to face the conciquences.

And the right time is when you feel ready, its not right when someone forces you to do it. Never do it if you are not ready to have a baby or want to be with that person forever.

And Abuse is just WRONG! Anybody that is abused is treaty very badly. They feel hatred and lonenly at the same time. 
I just say Sex is wrong if you don't know the right time for it. -_-

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Yes or no to sex?No

What age is it okay? an age where u can actually handle the consequences

When’s the right time? I'm not really sure, I'm almost 18 and I love the girl I'm with but I don't think that I'm ready, and If I was I wouldn't pressure her into it. I'm not saying I don't think about it but I can wait.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I am against sex under the legal age of consent. Full stop, no exceptions.

I have no objections to others having sex freely once they are over the age, but I personally am willing to wait until I have found the right person for me. I know who I am looking for, and I would wait a lifetime for them. If I don't find them, then I guess I will stay a virgin my whole life. I have no problems with this, I just don't think I want to be sharing myself with someone who I don't think is that one person I imagine will be my prince.


Yeh I know I sound like an old fashioned Catholic by saying that, but I cannot imagine myself with a person other than who I pictured.....


haha yehhh



Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

15 Years Ago

I don't have a moral dilemma against sex, but I think before you do it you should be willing to accept the possible consequences.

Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

14 Years Ago

    I have mixed feelings about sex, but honestly, I think that you should stay a virgin throughout ALL your teen years, and have sex when you get married. There's too many STDs out nowadays to risk having sex at such an early age.   Like to me, 13 is waaaaaaay too young, and so is 16 actually. I'm proud to say that I'm 17 and a virgin :]
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Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

14 Years Ago

i believe in abstinence till marriage unless its with the same sex

Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

14 Years Ago

I say when you're ready to settle down and have a family then it's fine.  So maybe 20 or so?  I don't know, all the people that I know that got settled down before then haven't really gotten far in life (no offense to anyone who has settled down before then, but I live in a rural area).  Also, if you're willing to spend the rest of your life with the person then it doesn't matter if you're married or not to me.  But not as teenagers.  You'd end up like Romeo and Juliet, in my opinion =)

Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

14 Years Ago

Sex? Depends When? When your old enough to know the consequences and mature enough to be able to deal with them     I personally am not saving my self for marriage. Me and my girlfriend who i love with all my life are active and only together   we made sure we where ready and that the decision that we made by doing it wouldn't destroy our relationship just bring us closer and it did.         so if you reach that point i think its ok

Re: ~Sex~ Where do you stand?

14 Years Ago

I guess that I am just an old fashioned kind of girl, but I believe in sex after marriage.  I think that you should be in a fully commited relationship that will one day lead to marriage, if you're not already married.  There are too many things that could happen in a relationship where a person could easily leave you.  But if you have built a special bond and have that commitment, then you know they're more than likely to stay. But that's just me