Tales Of The Lost : Forum : character

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17 Years Ago

name: kira
age: 16
gender: female
race: human, part elf (but doesnt know it)

description: Kira is of slightly-above-average hight and has a slim build. her eyes are green, and her hair is long a dark brown hair. she is ashamed of her slightly pointed ears which she keeps covered by her long hair.

history: she has never known her parents and ever since she can remeber she has lived with the miller and his wife, until she was eight when he died of a disease and her of a broken heart. sinve then she has took to life on the streets, and belongs no gangs or groups-a lone wolf. she is often underestimated by bandits and other folk of the town, and it always end up with the paying the price.
she has never seeked the help of anyone, though with a clue to unlocking her past now found (a book she found in a 2nd hand book store) she is begining to think she might need some assitance.

[hey are we allowed to post on other character things and start a story?? well if you want another character came come in now]