Surrounded By Darkness, Lost In The Light
Welcome, My Children
Welcome, My Children17 Years Agoeven if you're older than me XP
This is a place for you to introduce yourself. You can use my form, or not. either way works^-^ name: Davia nickname/s: Fairy Queen, Dove age: 19 sexual orientation: bi pro-female religion: a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Wiccan, believe in one higher power, but not the bible version really. writing style: mostly poems and stories, mostly dark and gothic, though not really gory; with gay and lesbian here and there. marital status: taken other: I love winter and the moon and stars and night and darkness and reading and writing... oh, and I also adore thunderstorms! the darker it is, the harder the rain pours, the louder and stronger the ind howls, the more at home and at peace I feel.. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoName: Lina (pronounced Lena) ::sleepy::
Nickname: Fantasyfairy ::mad:: Race: Does it matter? ::suprised:: Age: Old enough to know better and enough not to care! ::tongue:: Sexual Preference: Straight, but could be presuaded. ::drool:: Maritial Status: MArried with 3 teenage daughters. ::happy:: Writing: Poetry and short stories. Also my ongoing novels of my life. My Side: From birth to 2005, and My Side-A New Chapter: From then until, well... when I die I guess. Genre: Whatever takes my fancy, but mostly write dark gothic. ::sad:: Religion: Don't have one, but believe in something. Pulled mostly into the direction of The Goddess and Wicca, but not there yet. ::smile:: Other: I like rainbows and flowers, thunderstorms and the fresh smell after. I like animals and nature, (esceppially Meerkats!), I enjoy a good book, cross-stitching a flower fairy, the company of family, drawing and of course, writing. ::biggrin:: |
[no subject]17 Years Agoname: Ara Kayman
nickname/s: Ara age: 19 sexual orientation: bisexual, pro male religion: Pagan writing style: Dark, yet innocent. Realistic situations as well as fantastical ones. Also, some of my longer stories can get a little gory- but not too much. marital status: Dating/In a relationship other: I love emotions. I've come to juncture in my life where I now realize that in order to recognize true light, one must know darkness. I know now that every hate is as necessary as every love, every sin as important as every virtue. My view is live and let live, and stop trying to be... lets say, emotionally correct about things. It's never possible to be truly objective/subjective about everything. I guess you can say I'm an existentialist- everyone has to find their own path. I've already found mine... and here is where it's led me. ::biggrin:: |
[no subject]17 Years Agoname: Stephen
nickname/s: Steve, Heim (long game related story ;) age: 24 sexual orientation: Hetrosexual (women ftw) religion: Agnostic. I believe in a higher power, but im not convinced by the idea of organised religion. writing style: mostly short prose, stories. Mostly with a dark slant on them. Main characters torn by the past. my prose are generally an indication of my mood/ mental state. marital status: Single and looking other: I love the snow, the smell of fresh rain. I love writing and always happy with a good book I love a good thunderstorm, the feeling fo release that it brings, and of course the smell. |
[no subject]17 Years Agoname: Arlena
nickname/s: Lena, Lish(from my middle name, lysh) age: 19 sexual orientation: bi pro-female, slowly losing faith in the male gender religion: the closest term is just pagan, but I basically have a mixture of a bunch of different beliefs. writing style: Poems, no real style, just whatever happens to come out of my head. I have been criticized as not being descriptive enough, but I like to describe emotions more than visual scenery. marital status: single other: I'm me? lol, my brain isn't functioning properly right now for me to describe how strange I am. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoName: Joshua
Nicknames: MotherSky, Womblerpoof, Conley. Age: Just turned 18! Todays mai birthday! Sexual Orientation: Strait Religion: I am Christain. Or atleast, what I'd call a Christain. I have my own beliefs, structured by the Bible and what I think. Writing Style: Whatever I feel like. I love poetry. Marital Status: Single. Probably forever. Other: I love computer games and I love online gaming. I obsess with literature and writing, and I love a good story. I have many friends and love making friends. Peace~ |
[no subject]17 Years Agoname: Amber
nickname/s: Ang.el age: 19 sexual orientation: Lesbian, girls all the way. religion: Spiritual, i believe in people and love more than i believe in a set religion. marital status: Single, looking, wandering, giving up? x.x other: Im a major dreamer, I live for love, always have and always will. I don't know how i ended up being the person i am today because my parents have never really been there.. But im proud of who've i've become. Im a stone cold romantic, I am a kind and nurturing person, and when my friends usually need someone to turn to, im always there, always have been. I love taking care of people. Even with words i tell you, i don't think you'd ever be able to understand me.. If Interested: |
[no subject]17 Years AgoName: Leigh
Nickname:Fallen Angel/ Ace od Spades Age: I forget Sexual Orientation:Bi(no specific preferance) Religion:Hmmm, I believe there's a higher power, of what, no idea ::confused:: Status: Taken About me:Hmm I like astrology and Im a leo..Otherwise im pretty confident most of the time and a loyal friend.I Hate discrimination and people who judge to quick. Uhmm the rest you gana have to find out. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoName: Shameka
Nickname/s: Grenleif Age: 25 Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual religion: Solitary Wicca Writing Style: Mature Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Goddess Poetry. Marital Status: Married and loving it. Other: I am a Libra with an astrological chart made up of half Air, half Fire and one Water sign. No Earth. I hate cleaning and all manner of responsibility, but, having a child, I must keep my head out of the clouds. I live in a small town (more like a village) in rural South Texas, next to Copano Bay. And I love to read. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoName: Liz
Nickname/s: Flamewind, Sivana (Claire too... but then again, every female lead I ever write eventually becomes a nickname of mine.) Age: 16 ( :x The youngest person to post. Woot.) Sexual Orientation: I like guys =D Religion: Christian by name, I believe in a higher being, but also I like to think reincarnation exists, which goes completely against the teachings of Christianity. Writing Style: Serious fantasy, parodies, humor, and romance Marital Status: Single. ): Other: I was told yesterday that I'm a "laugh riot". o_O I honestly don't believe that, but... well, I'm the sort of person that makes fun of anything I can possibly get my hands on. That's why I write parodies, not out of a deep hatred for the subject matter. Um, my dream is to become a full-time writer and subsist on that... but likely, I'm going to get a job before then. Sigh. Gotta eat, yanno? Other than that, I'm a Leo (going to be 17 in August =D), like taking care of animals, like spending amazing amounts of time in front of my computer either writing, chatting, or playing World of Warcraft. Said computer game is amazing, and also an incredible vacuum of time. ...And as you can probably see, I'm a bit on the wordy side. Heh. |