Support for Aspiring Fantasy Authors : Forum : Making the Rounds

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Making the Rounds

14 Years Ago

Hey everyone,

This group seems of very manageable size ("intimate" let's call it) so I was thinking it's a great opportunity for all of us to review a sample of each other's work without it being too overwhelming a task.  Just a suggestion, of course.  

I"ll read/review at least one story/book from each member this week, regardless.  Although reciprocity is appreciated, I know everyone is busy so I don't want to "force" myself on anyone.  

I will try not to deliver short feel-good quips like "You Rock!"*  Usually I try to be positive but constructive, and if you call out a specific concern in your author's note I'll do my best to provide my questionable opinion on that topic. 


* I like to call these well-intentioned but ultimately useless reviews "Weaver's Bane."   
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Re: Making the Rounds

14 Years Ago

Each of us reviewing something from each of the other members also means that everyone needs to add something to the group library.  Don't be shy, people.  We can't review it if we don't see it.  
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Re: Making the Rounds

14 Years Ago

I see 5 people who haven't posted anything to the group library... Don't be shy.  Seriously, an active group this size is probably your best chance to get reviews and then be able to TALK to the reviewer about the writing.  That makes it a lot more like a face-to-face writers group - you can learn even more from discussion that follows than you can from the review alone.