Supernatural Cafe : Forum : Hello


17 Years Ago


Thank you for joining the group "Supernatural Cafe." Now that you have please lets us know a little about you. I personally would like to know what kind of supernatural writing you write and anything else you want to share.

I like to write about Vampires and Witches. Ever since Buffy I have been hooked on vampire stories and movies. But I love to read all kinds of supernatural. I've added the Chapters to a book i'm working on "A Vampire Queen's Tale" I do hope to one day actually get it published.

Just so you know I'll try and think up some contests and feature people. That's all for tonight, more later.

Anyways Read, Write and Post! 

Thanks again,


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I am attending college right now for a Mathematics degree, but I love to write.  I have three novels completed, one a fluff piece, called Chasing Diamonds.  I write in paranormal romance genre, but have slowly been migrating to horror.  Horror is just so much fun, there are no limits.  The other two novels are listed at my site, the first being Red Night.  It is a romantic vampire novel. The second, Silver Moon is the second part of Red Night, but it leans more towards horror/supernatural with romantic undertones, and is about werewolves. 

Currently I'm working on a new book, From Within.  All horror.  I have four chapters posted right now, and will post more as I finish them.  Be advised, however, it is still in rough draft form.

Okay, I think I've taken up enough space with my rant...

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

currently I'm working on a triple project, but haven't settled on which of the three I want to develop more. So I've posted some of my stories, a prologue with a working title of Dark Path, which still needs a title for the book before I can add further.

I also started a Book called A Bond of Blood which is currently trying to write itself with me reigning it in as much as possible. Nothing worse than dealing with a run away story...
So that is what's going on with my writing...other areas of my life are not doing as well...especially the financial part.
There is truth to the saying starving my bank acct is terminally ill and I'm afraid that some disconnections are in my future if I don't start getting a larger income.

But that is a depressing issue that I prefer not to dwell on at this time. I'm far more excited with my current scribblings. I would love any feedback on them if any one cares to review them.

Thanks for reading my posting...and I'm glad to be in the group.