Summoning also presents a challenge : Forum : Is it me, or has the PKing com..

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Is it me, or has the PKing community

2 Years Ago

We also pinted each other's best accounts against one another, our mains. It was more enjoyable since the stats were balanced, so it was a real battle, and it was fun to see range beat mage, mage beat melee, etc. We now have pures that are totally not balanced. This means that PKing is less enjoyable.

Is it me, or has the PKing community lost its integrity over the past several years? These are just some of the numerous instances I've come up with however there are many other. Do you think this integrity will be restored by the return of the old wilderness? Or do you think that it will just be a playground for RuneScape annoyances?

Many people might not think of everything. One thought that occurred to me was: In 2007, I think we had a very small screen, so the view field was not as large. You constantly had to adjust the camea. The camera is no longer required for players to see the other players.

Wilderness wall. Dropped objects can be seen immediately. Just the fact that technology has increased. People have faster/better internet connections. YouTube was extremely popular back then. However, it has really grown in its popularity since. Many users are trying to make videos to "compete". Duel Arena is now free. The same will apply when staking returns.

My personal favorite is bone yard, the old one has gone. We hope it returns. Do new players know some of the places that were used for battles? Dark castle was not occupied. I had a more extensive list, but am currently blank. There may be other things that I can add.
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