Story Craft
Story Craft Group Challenge #3..
Story Craft Group Challenge #3 - done ... it's time to read & vote :)15 Years AgoI knew I was forgetting something ... you know when you get that nagging thought right at the edge of discovery but it still continues to elude you. Well, I found it. I forgot to post here ... in our forum ... about the current writing challenge.
So... Happy 4th! to all of you USA based Story Crafters!! Yes, we have come down to the last 2 days of this challenge. Time enough for you to get your submissions in before the cut off. Thank you to those who have already submitting work. :) Cheers! and keep writing! Doc.
[no subject]15 Years AgoStroy Crafters,
This writing challenge is over. It is now time to go out there and read the works and vote for you favorite. Thank you to all who have gone by our writing challenge. Cheers! to you. Voting will be open for the next 2 weeks to give everyone a chance to read and choose your favorite. Cheers! Doc.