Enough no more
Enough no more17 Years AgoEnough, no more
Wherefore art thou, the moon is risen high and I await thee in the rose garden. When I am with thee then the quick hours fly. Why dost thou towards me thy heart harden? Must I think thee a fickle faithless jade? that treats mine trusting heart as but a toy I know that thou must act, as does a maid with power over men thou dost enjoy. Alack I am become thine helpless slave dependent on thee for my happiness. Full many times thy caprice I forgave and in mine mind I blamed forgetfulness. Thou art not worthy of my constancy Ive found true love and have no need of thee. July 07 Shakespearean or English sonnet. Iambic Pentameter 10 syllables to the line Stress on second syllable Where(fore) art (thou) the (moon) is (ris) en (high) (---) denotes stressed syllables Rhyme pattern Octet A B A B C D C D Sestet E F E Heroic couplet G G |