Small Avalanches : Forum : Welcome and Announcements

Welcome and Announcements

16 Years Ago

Welcome to the Small Avalanches forum. I'm Nita, the moderator and creator. This is a group for all writers of the Short Story Collections genre, whether fiction or nonfiction. Feel free to post your writing. If you have any questions, message me.

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16 Years Ago

Greetings, Nita and others. I've been at the cafe since May, but hadn't been a member of any groups until yesterday--now I belong to three. Although I do write a little poetry, most of my interest/efforts are focused on short stories.

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16 Years Ago

Hey, I'm Ryan. I've been on Writers Cafe for a couple of years now, and stayed on even after the server crash they had last year that deleted everyone's writing (hence the reason I've only got a few pieces posted, and why my friends list is so skimpy). I'm a member of a couple of other groups, but this is the first one I think that really suits my writing proclivities.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago


I'm Cedric. Short stories are what I write most often. I browsed groups for about an hour before settling here in a group that seems to suit me best. In addition to being new in this group, I'm new to the Cafe` as well. It's good to meet other writers like me.

Re: Welcome and Announcements

14 Years Ago

Hello, I'm Sydney. I pretty new here in Writer's cafe. I signed up yesterday after looking for a good writer's community. I stick to fiction, generally sci-fi/fantasy but I'll branch out every now and then. I only belong to two other groups currently and this one I feel is a good fit for me. I do attempt to write longer stories, but the bulk of my work is short and sweet!

Re: Welcome and Announcements

10 Years Ago

Hey! How's it going? I'm RealistMe and I recently joined Writer's Cafe, earlier this morning. I guess you can say I'm a vagabond from Xanga 1.0 and Blogster. I also have my own website called, "It's Not All Gumdrops And Unicorns." Please feel free to check out my Writer's Cafe page and my website through :)