Sisterhood United : Forum : showing sum luv 2 this group

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showing sum luv 2 this group

15 Years Ago

how yall doin? im doin my best 2 raise my kids n make it in this world. Alot of times i dnt get acceptd,im italian my kids r black my hubby is black n i lost all my friends that i grew up w. becuz i guess  i dont fit in w/them.& alot of black women have hated on me in da past cuz they have not been very accepting in general of me being hubby. NOT EVERY1 though is like that there are some women that are secure with themselves n dont have a problem n they have shown me mad luv.basically i get hated on by sum women cuz i walk around smiling,dnt put any1 down, mind my business, & my hubby always picked me up on time 4work n stuff like that. those girls at work wanted me 2b miserable like them n they all was up in my face on break askn me where i got my new timbs THEN when i walk out the room i hear em say "i hate that white b***h"( 1st of all im ITALIAN) n no1 had balls 2 say it 2my face. I went bk in the break rm n asked her why she dont say it 2my face then. always actn like she my friend. im sittn there reading the newyork post n she always initiate a conversation{cuz she so nosy} anyway, she just got up n walkd out da rm talkn bout "dats y ur husband dnt hav a job"  this heffa dont even have a man n shednt no anything bout wat my man do. i think she was  pissed if not jealous that i always had the new s**t on cuz she dressed raggedy. Anyway that was 5yrs ago when i worked @ at&T. 

Thats a lil bout me. my kids are 16 n 14 n im 34. my real name is porscha me n my daughter have the same nick nameof tutz so im big n shes lil tutz. 

Hope i can b accepted in this group