Sharing Knowledge Of The Written Word. Forum Questionnaire - Requesting 16+..
[no subject]16 Years Ago'Expletives in Contemporary Literature and on Television' Questionnaire
Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Feel free to expand/ explain your answers if you feel you need to.
Expletives/ foul language/ bad language/ profanities will be referred to as 'swear words' throughout the questionnaire.
[1] Your age: 46 [2] Your sex: F [3] Your ethnicity: W
[4] Do you agree that 'swear words' are a part of everyday language ? Yes
[5] Do you use 'swear words' at all ? Rarely
[6] Do you find it offensive to overhear people using 'swear words' in conversation ? Mildly
[7] How do you feel about reading 'swear words' in books, (specifically fiction) ? Depends on the quantity. The more there are, the less effect.
[8] How do you feel about 'swear words' on television after the 9pm watershed ? Don't really care.
[9] Do you feel that the presence of 'swear words' in books and on television has influenced you in your own use of 'swear words', (be it positively or negatively) ? Please explain. Hasn't changed me at all.
[10] Please list any books or television programs that you have read/ watched that have 'swear words' in them: I don't watch much television anymore, and the few shows that I do watch don't have them.
[11] Were you offended by the inclusion of 'swear words' in any of the books or television programs you have listed ? N/A
[12] Please order these 'swear words' from most to least offensive based on your personal opinion: (1 being the most offensive and 7 the least offensive) S**t __7 Arse __4 F**k __2 C**t __1 B*****d __6 Dick __3 Piss __5 |
[no subject]16 Years AgoThank you for your reply.