Sharing Knowledge Of The Written Word. : Forum : Antiwriter.

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17 Years Ago

A lot of people here talk about writing to somehow 'help' people. They feel their writing is inferior if nobody relates to it. You know the type.

They're the people who say things like, "if I can connect to just one person, my job as a writer is complete." Frankly, I've always thought that sort of thing is a load of bull.

I'm not one of those people.

My writing is about, and for, me. I write to keep the hair out of my eyes. If other people enjoy it, fine. But it's just a jolly coincidence.

If something is bothering me, I write a story about it. It helps me find solutions, answers, peace of mind. I don't think I have technique because I don't think of writing as a craft.
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

My writing is largely for me too. It burns inside me and spills out. Owen says it very well. If something bothers me i write it for myself. However, i do also right somethings to raise awareness. This is different from trying to find some kind of emotional connection. Writing just to find such a connection is perhaps trying to end our loneliness in the world by trying to find someone exactly the same. Its not the only way to do things. Writers write because they have stories and poems in their souls.
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I write for me, too, but it would probably be very different if I didn't have any intention of unleashing it on the public.  No, if I'm going to post it, I'm hoping someone will like it (and maybe even offer me a publishing contract).  It's got to hook the reader and if I don't connect, I'm disappointed.  It's plain and simple: I'm insecure.

As far as techniques go, I like speaking directly to my reader, either in my streams of consciousness essays or my poetry.  In my fiction it's different, but still the same idea even if I'm writing in third persod.  I try to keep the reader inside my main character.  I want my reader to love that person as they love themselves, even if the character is nasty or naughty.  I don't want my reader to stand back too far or I fear I might risk losing them.
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I understand the sentiment you state. I am not so avant garde as to think I need to 'connect' with someone. For me it is much like painting or graphic arts. I see something playing in my head or I am affected by something and it causes me to write it out.

There are times, however, when what I write is 'entertainment,' designed to be just that. And, there are times when a burr gets under my saddle, a rock in my shoe, and I just have to let that loose. Those are statements rather than art, but there is an art to stating it well.

'Craft' or 'skill,' the art of communicating well is the same as mastering the strokes of brush for a painter. It can be done raw and free form or it can be done precise and controlled. It is the perspective of the artist that really brings the flavors, the colors, the expression to the medium of choice. To do it well, a certain amount of effort as if 'craft' must be applied to the medium. Where some get lost is the stricture of 'it must be this way.' I go against that. That stricture impedes creative license,... well, at times. Some can work within constraints. I am not one of them, I think. It is one of the reasons I am not a professional graphic artist. I could never figure out how to 'just turn it on.'

We need all different kinds and types of writers. It keeps things fresh. Perspectives vary with each individual. And that, my friend, is what makes living life fun ... if not irritating at times.
