Sci-fi Horror : Forum : Fantasy inspiration needed!

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Fantasy inspiration needed!

15 Years Ago

Hello, to all fellow Sci-fi Horror members:   Some fantasy inspiration is needed!   Lately, I've been reading books by Stephen Hunter and the like (thriller fictions, but realistic) and my creative and imaginitive mind has been dulled! I am currently writing a book called The Prophecies of Aeren (featured on my profile), but I have run into a so-called writer's block. I cannot think of anything!   I was wondering if anyone would like to share any advice with me. Maybe review my book :D Or even post your own fantasy stories. I need some good reads right now. If anyone posts fantasy stories/books, I'll make sure to review them.   So, yes, please: any advice? Thanks to all for viewing this thread!
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Re: Fantasy inspiration needed!

15 Years Ago

I'd help but I'm not exactly a fantasy writer . . . well I do write some fantasy but none of it's posted at the moment. At any rate writer's block is something that can be overcome with patiennce. It's natural to have the creative side of your brain worn out; it happens to all of us (though in some it lasts longer than others).   Now about your story . . . I'll have to read it to find out. I'll post my advice after I read it, and it'll be under the story (you can always delete it later).
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Re: Fantasy inspiration needed!

15 Years Ago

Writerski7: I know! I read your review of Chapter 4, and you are right: the plot is very "jumpy". I came up with this plot in middle school, with no skill, give me a break! :D   I had an explosion of ideas in my head, I just absolutely had to get them down on paper (or rather computer) as soon as possible, and so I have tons of ideas stuck on side notes, tons of ideas in the book itself. I know the plot jumping from scene to scene is not very good, but for now it will have to do. I do not have the ENTIRE story completely developed.   So this is what I need you guys for! Maybe I am asking too soon: I need more of the story written for everyone to view so that they may advise that would help more accurately.   Anyways, thanks for the reviews. I tried to send you a message, but I don't think it will allow messages now; I can only send messages to friends.
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Re: Fantasy inspiration needed!

15 Years Ago

Not a problem. I tend to jump around quite a bit with my own stories so I know exactly what you're up against, and how I fix it. Simple things first . . . write an outline. Gather those thoughts and scenes and put them in a chronological order. If you're anything like me, once you do so more will pop into your head. Don't worry, add them to your outline if necessary but don't fret over it. Next step: write in chronological order, as most stories happen in chronological order (with the exceptions of flash-back and foreshadowing). Another suggestion: write with another person. The added motivation (or aggrevation) will help you keep your writing in check. Just make sure you're both COMMITTED to completing the story. Otherwise it'll end up never getting done.
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Re: Fantasy inspiration needed!

15 Years Ago

Hmm. I never thought of joining up with another writer. I have one friend that may be interested, but... he never has time on his hands.   Thanks for the advice, writerski7, I'll make sure to organize timelines. Simple, but wise advice :D   Thanks again.