Scary Story Writers Group Forum
relations14 Years AgoI first started loving animay last year. I fell in love with the series Fruits Basket, and have been hooked ever scince. I've recently started liking other animays and mangas as well. I love anything that has do do with Japan, and sometimes wish I was Japanise instead of american. I would love to go to Japan someday. I am also quite fond of there food, lol. I just recently started learning how to speak Japanise off of a : How to speak Japanise CD. Wakatimasga? That means: understand.
RE: HERE14 Years AgoI AM HERE! please do not delete me. I won't forgive you if you do! And I will cry non stop for days! I'm serious! I will :( ...... Oh yeah, and if I ever have a kid, I'm naming it Pikachoo, from Pokemon. I don't care what anyone thinks, it's a cute name!
Hi, my name is H. D. Sharpe14 Years AgoMy name is Duane, and I have several published poems under the name H. D. Sharpe. My interest include: writing genre fiction, perticulary mixing Romance, Horror, Fantasy, and elements of the "deviant psychology" that is Human; I listen to "Goth" music created back in the Victorian era, modern Goth(ika), Metal, and Classical music and my favorite bands are Type O' Negative, HIM, DoPE, AX7, Smashing Pumpkins, pre 22nd century Marilyn Manson, and most importantly Nine Inch Nails; I have a working suit of tattoos which are mix of modern goth and Victorian Era Themes, as well as over half a dozen piercings! I am will be recieving my B.A. in Professional Writing soon, and I will be moving on too grad school where my focus will be Gothic Literature, so old and out of date your your grandmother's grandmother probably never heard of it! My favorite book is one these: Rice's "Interview With A Vampire"; Brent Easton Ellis' "American Psycho"; Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"; "Dracula"'; a few others. My favorite authors are the Bronte Sisters, R.A. Salvotore, Flannery O'Connor, Anne RIce, and many classic authors; I have made respect for everyone who writes from the heart in an artful manner, and is not afraid to express their work. Author's like Easton-Ellis have inspired me to push the limits. No matter how immoral a work seems, I bet if you look really hard you will find truth and a deeper meaning; which is intended show society it's flaws, not how to fix them. My favorite Gothic Author; classic and modern or modern are: for America; Poe is the classic and Flannery O' Connor is the modern fav! English Goth Author would be Charlotte Bronte, Mary Shelly, or Anne Radcliffe from the woman's perspective since there is a difference from a man's writing and a womans; male author would be Matt Lewis or Sheridan Le Fenu and I am not really modern writers from the United Kingdom; one never knows those things in an age of media.
Why do you like gothic lit? I like Gothic literature because to me it is the last piece of history, and "experience" mankind has that keeps us from being sucked wholy into this world of science; which will destory us.
What is Gothic Lit too you, other words define it in your own words Gothic Literature is about the human experience, gathered up into a ball, and then studied passion.
Hi14 Years AgoHeyy Bette,
I know I haven't quite got the hang of this yet, but we have to create a piece of writing close to 500 words?
confused, srry :S
No Subject14 Years AgoHrmmm... I suppose I'll be writing something comedic, since I have no actual genre except anything but comedy... A past tense comedy about Summer Solstice... should be interesting for me.
FAVORITE FF GAME!14 Years AgoMy ab so lute favorite Final Fantasy game is the side game, Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus!
loooooove Vincent Valentine!
WEEK THREE IS WHEN?14 Years AgoIs "Summer Solstice" the title and when is the deadline?
Sal |
"DEEP"14 Years AgoDeep in the abyss of thy soul, Lies this alabster lined with oil, As to the melodic magic,
Its power to the perverse destroys, In what was all, But a fiery dance of joy. |
Im here!14 Years Ago*raises hand* Tophatgirl!
Re: lets DO something!!!! nothing is going on... :(14 Years Agorussia
yeah14 Years Agoheyy
yeah it is, im not bette, but i know it is! :P
Fave songs14 Years AgoIt varies from..
this ain't a scene it's an arms race-fall out boy
sugar we're going down swinging-fall out boy
(magnetic poetry)
misguided ghosts-paramore
brick by boring brick-paramore
lets try this14 Years AgoOppurtunity provided itself however, when she stumbled over a tree root as Amelia hurried on her way.
Re: Let's try this,14 Years AgoPurple haze around her, she entered it.
alabaster...........14 Years AgoThanks for the reminder...however I did send in one entry for this week, but I do not see it posted. Did I do something wrong?
Re: Roll Call (VERY IMPORTANT!)14 Years AgoOops! M late... But what could i do i have my exams going on!! Anyways Plz dont delete me, I promise to be more actice from now on! ;) (Simple_mee)
hey14 Years AgoIf you have tough skin and can handle harsh criticism then ask The Perfectionist. He will review it line by and if you ask he will give you the technical on it as well so you can fix it. I am wanting my book to be the best it can be for I am sending it off to publisher when I am done so I want the harsh and in your face review. This is just a suggestion.
im here14 Years Agoumm here
Favorites~14 Years Ago
Final Fantasy-
X, X-2, IX, and XIII even though I haven't finished yet XD and Advent Children and Crisis Core :3
Kingdom Hearts- 1, 2 and ReChain of Memories and basically all the ones that have come to the US so far XD
I dun know, I think the second KH is great, but I'm not sure what's the best. KH2 could've been harder, in my opinion, but then there were parts of it that were like...REALLY hard, you know? I love the new battle system. :3
This might be why14 Years Agoi am in the group. I sent out invites to a few people today. Maybe it is if a member sends out an invite then it doesn't need approval. That is a thought on it.