Scary Story Writers Group Forum
Re14 Years AgoThe lord of the demon king one has my interest, I did read some of your other ideas too, and.. aliens might be another territory worth exploring..
CONDOLENCES14 Years AgoFrances,
It is always difficult to lose the ones we love. I know you are a Christian who believes in God's Promises. In your grief, trust God! Sharon and I offer you our deepest condolences. Sal Buttaci |
If it's too something else!14 Years AgoI think erotic writing is geared and advertised to an audience that expects explicit writing. Honestly, I hate when writers try to gloss it over with euphemisms (specifically, I hate the word "member"). Of course, there are many fun euphemisms and I enjoy using them, as long as it matches the tone of the piece. I believe if someone doesn't want to read erotica, that's fine, choose not to read it. But, don't criticize the writing for being too explicit. If you want a Nora Roberts sex scene (no offense meant, I love her), then read that type of story. Sex is supposed to be fun. I see no reason not to have fun writing it, too!
Newsletter-Emails14 Years AgoI think we should be called "The Writers of Nich Newsletter". I got the idea from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (The Knights of Nich)
re: My story needs improvement, but not enough feedback to improve it.14 Years AgoI read your post and I am in the same boat as you with a book of mine. I was thinking we could maybe team up and review each others work and exchange some ideas on where to go with our stories. If this sounds good to you, just shoot me an email.
Best Regards, Adina |
Lethal Drip14 Years Agofaithfully sufficient drop swells to full measure spilling,
troubled about the limbic mental hum
that lifted it to overflow
cosmic flash and firings smile around the bleeding mind
dispassionately concerned about the favored emo of the day
ten thousand miles per mili hauling a*s along happen way
lash fallen tear splashes smearing down Mascara Falls
holding to the cheekline slow, parts, lady staring scene
she sadly muses in late hour aloneness drowned poet downstairs
Tovli, so very sorry for your loss.14 Years AgoOur thoughts and prayers are with you.
Something old, something blue14 Years AgoI am taking two old short stories and resurrecting them, marrying them together and coming out with a different ending. I figured rebirth, at this juncture, is better than a fresh start. So, I'm going to write and see where it goes. Time doesn't allow for a hard core 50,ooo word push.
Favorite Authors14 Years AgoLiving:
Ellen Hopkins
(I'm having a brain fart at the moment,) but the author of Harry Potter (of course)
Kelley Armstrong
(another brain fart) but the Author of the Hunger Games trilogy (I think it's Suzanne Collins, don't quote me on that lol I hate my brain fart moments.)
and many many more! Lol.
etc etc.
Date change to Dec 4th14 Years AgoSorry, Chris, but unless someone else wants to take a turn at being moderator I am going to need to change the next meeting from November to December 4th, 3-5 PM.
Thats cool! :)14 Years AgoNo worries love! lol As good as! :) Hugs xx
question14 Years Ago Taylor,
Where do we post our stories at? jen |
Re: Group Name14 Years AgoIts a simple mistake,
I will give you a break. For this word makes me ache, even sometimes I think its fake. The word is queer cause it has no fear it follows no rules and it is definitely not clear. But when you get it right you will let out a cheer because this word is definitely weird my dear. *sorry for the rhyming, it seemed fun at the moment. |
edit14 Years AgoI’m working on a story, I don’t think it’s going to be that long. Maybe a short chapter book. But would you edit this? Thanks,
edit14 Years AgoI’m working on a story, I don’t think it’s going to be that long. Maybe a short chapter book. But would you edit this? Thanks,
Re: Lack of time or interest?14 Years AgoI hope you still keep the group going...I've been stuck on my story for nearly 2 months...unable to write. So I'm not sure when I'll get another chapter posted. But I will definitely contribute once the muse starts working some magic again. Hope all is well with you.
Contest idea14 Years AgoI haven't been around the Cafe for awhile now either. It is so different now and hard to get used to. Anyway, hmmm...contest ideas....perhaps something along the lines of a scary holiday story given the season it is at the moment. I wrote one last year and it was kind of a kick.
Mix it14 Years Agoyes
:D14 Years AgoWriting, I personally perfer reading a lot of poetry, although I do love the occasional story provided its written properly and in an interesting way.
I love writing poetry about natural things and abstract ideas. I also love writing dialgoue. My main type of writing is Stories/Poetry and my genre is either Horror/Humor |
Someone else with a rabbit?14 Years Agois yours house trained also? Mine gets free range of my room. ^.^