Scary Story Writers Group Forum Questionnaire - Requesting 16+..
[no subject]16 Years Ago[1] Your age:35 [2] Your sex:female [3] Your ethnicity:British [4] Do you agree that 'swear words' are a part of everyday language ? Yes, I beleive they are, they shouldn't be, but they are. [5] Do you use 'swear words' at all ? Yes, in the right context, usually when a character is angry. If I personally am angry, yes I do use obscene language. [6] Do you find it offensive to overhear people using 'swear words' in conversation ? Yes, because there is no need to use it in everyday conservation. [7] How do you feel about reading 'swear words' in books, (specifically fiction) ? It depends on the context it is used. [8] How do you feel about 'swear words' on television after the 9pm watershed ? In the right context I don't mind them [9] Do you feel that the presence of 'swear words' in books and on television has influenced you in your own use of 'swear words', (be it positively or negatively) ? Please explain. Yes. I also think our upbringing has a lot to do with it as well. Children see it on the TV and then they think if their favourite character does it, then it is cool, and so they try to copy it. [10] Please list any books or television programs that you have read/ watched that have 'swear words' in them: I actually can't think of any right now, but I know they are out there. [11] Were you offended by the inclusion of 'swear words' in any of the books or television programs you have listed ? [12] Please order these 'swear words' from most to least offensive based on your personal opinion: (1 being the most offensive and 7 the least offensive) S**t __ 7 Arse __ 5 F**k __ 4 C**t __ 1 B*****d __ 2 Dick __ 3 Piss __ 6 |