Scary Story Writers Group Forum Nightmares
Nightmares17 Years AgoI'm going crazy trying to remember my nightmare!~ Dont you hate that? Its there on the edge of your memory? I remember waking up was such a scary dream, I left the lamp on! I wish I could remember what it was about...yay!
I just remembered it---some of it. I was in a mall....I think it was Mall of America, but since Ive never been there, I dont was just HUGE. There were these 2 guys that wanted to kill me. I remember they had me trapped in a basement area and they were trying to bash my head in..but I kept getting away. I ran up these stairs and there was a bunch of SWAT guys with guns. They were there to save me, but the 2 guys after me grabbed my friends or family--cant remember--and told me if I didnt come back down to the basement of this mall and let them kill me, they were going to kill everyone I loved. I grabbed a gun from one of the SWAT guys and ran down the stairs and just started shooting. I killed one of them...and the other shot my leg and grabbed me and was trying to bash my head in---I dont know where that kept coming from--but that was what he was trying to do! I think the cops saved me and then I thought I was free and he showed up in a hotel room I was in, sleeping. He started choking me and picked up something to hit me in the head with....and I woke up! I remember this because I woke up startled. I jumped and was out of breath! It was really weird. Hmmmm, the only thing i watched last night was part of "The Covenant" on cable, and that wasnt really scary...dont know where that came from. Has anyone else used their nightmares for story ideas? I had one once that I did turn into a short story. I was in a ghost town and Vampires were trying to kill me...I posted it on here awhile ago. |
[no subject]17 Years Agolol that story I was telling you about that I'm working on; I started writing that after a nightmare I had. It scared me so badly that I woke up screaming...
[no subject]17 Years AgoI've had "nightmares" even though I don't think they were that, where grey smokey figures are standing over me and all I can feel is malevolence from them and it's scares the hell out of me. It happens more often than not and I'm never quite asleep when it happens. I should write a story about it. ::confused::
[no subject]17 Years AgoYou guys are making me very happy that I rarely remember my dreams!
I did have a weird one last night though...I was pregnant and heading off for Marine boot camp. I woke up so terrified....Though I'm not sure what was more scary - being pregnant again or going to boot. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoThe nightmare...
I was running through the forest; it looked familiar, like it could have been the forest behind my house. Trees seemed to reach for me, as if they were hoping that what chased me would succeed in its mission. Finally I came to the house that I came across when hiking in the woods a few years back. It wasn't unoccupied, there was someone... no something there. It's face... well I can't remember what its face looked like but I know I woke, screaming, as it reached for me... I swear to any god that's listening that I begged for the last few nights to not dream. I had read the "Picture in the house" and "rats in the walls" by H.P. Lovecraft before I went to bed. lol I love stories that invade your mind; they provide inspirational nightmares. Hell I used the fear it filled me with as fuel for my latest story. D. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoPauline--that is spooky! Are they some type of spirits? You should write about it!
Kali, I think both things are scary enough!!!!!!!!!! Drifter...Lovecraft is great huh? It's been a really long time since I read anything of H.P.'s. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoYes he is! I just started reading him, though I've known about his work for many years (well not that many, I'm only 21, but you get the point). It's fear inspiring and I HAVE to read more! Nightmares be damned!
[no subject]17 Years AgoC.m.v. - I'm not sure what they are but I know they're not dreams and not a figment of my imagination. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced an OBE but on rare occassions I do and that's when I see those figures. It's weird how OBEs are because you're mind is wide awake, you can see everything around you but you know that your body is asleep, sometimes it's a cool feeling to have but when you're like me it's downright terrifying most times.
Oh, since we're talking about dreams and nightmares, I found this pretty cool site called where you can have a "diary" of all your dreams in one place. And it has some interesting features. As soon as I start having some dreams again, I plan on utlizing it. ::biggrin:: |
[no subject]17 Years Agowell knowing me as well as you do C.M.V wouldnt you think i would. I use to have bad nightmares when i was younger, but now i dont have them as much. LOL i think they got tired of scaring me. or im just not scared by them anymore. either way i think dream connection was my nightmarish one and that was written back in high school.
Your dream however really takes the cake. take all that you wrote down there, and write up story notes on it. i bet that would make for one hellish story. *evil grin* lol |
[no subject]17 Years AgoPauline, that sounds like a neat site..Im going to check it out! thanks for letting us all know aobut it.
Dawn, I did write some of it know, alot of times I wish I had written my nightmares down as soon as I woke up, while they were fresh in my memory, but I never do! By the time I remember, I forgot! lol But its not a bad idea to use nightmares as story ideas..especially when they're scary enough to wake you up, then too afraid to go back to sleep! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoMy nightmares are different. They have no random elements. They have very clear meanings, in other words, symbolistic scary. The nightmare took place in a place where I used to attend school. It was my old school, back in fourth grade. It was a lutheran school. I was with my classmates, but the teacher was absent-I think. It is dark and everyone was told to go to bed. I been told something very important, something very frightening. It was a test of faith. Pretty much what the person said was this "If you survive through the night, your faith and trust had served you well." I believe the person said also "not everyone will be alive by morning" Like why would she make us afraid like that? I think that, its just not right. But I do as I am told. I go to bed. Then I hear some strange noises. I was on my side, nearly under the covers. I felt a strong, humid breath on my hair. I was crying. I saw a distorted shape climb over my body. It was the jaws of a velociraptor. Its big teeth. I remember it clear. I thought I was going to die. But I didn't. I watched the creature jump over me and attack someone else, killing the child. Even still, the room was completely silent, aside from my sobbing. By morning, I was still there, alive in bed. Half of the classroom remained. When I awoke from the dream, I was not afraid, I did not cry or had any lingering effects. Other than the words I was saying to the classroom. I understood everything. |