Scary Story Writers Group
WHAT SCARES YOU???17 Years AgoFirst off, I have to say I love this group! This was the very first group I created on this site. I hoped it would flourish, and it has! I apologize for not giving it my full attention in so long.
I originally created my little "Scary Story Writers" group on Yahoo!, but that didn't flourish so much. My goal was always to just connect with other writers who had the love of scaring and being scared. I wanted other writers I could chat with and get pointers and critiques from...this group has really been great. From now on, I want to give it more attention, and I hope if anyone reads this, you'll participate in keeping it more active. I cant bring myself to do what David Turner did with his group--nice guy and a great writer, by the way!--I just dont do the ultimatum thing, because I'd end up failing myself! lol Im not a big rule follower...I hate I wont, cant be that with my groups, but I will put more effort into keeping things active. Does anyone have any ideas for group contests? Adam, David and few others have shared some awesome ideas...if anyone has any, please post them here. Even if you've already suggested them to me, post them in here! (please) Ok, as for the title of this thread..I thought Id get a discussion going amongst us all about what scares us. So, what scares you?? I mean, really really scares you? Has anyone seen "When a Stranger Calls"?. The newer version, that is? I LOVE that movie...the setting is awesome, but what really actually scared me was that the "monster"--the killer--they never showed him. His presence was known, but we never actually saw him until the end..I dont know..I loved the way it was done. Also, just the fact that someone, anyone could suddenly randomly target you for death is scarier than s**t to me. People tend to be more scary than "monsters" most of the time, dont you think? As much as I love and adore Vampires...(Kind of obsessed with them, honestly)...they dont really scare me. At least not the romanticized still semi human ones. Nosferatu was creepy as hell, wasnt he? What about Chris Sarandon in the first and original "Fright Night"? that movie spooked me big time. Granted, I watched it when I was home alone and a mere teen...and it was late at night...but the movie was done well. I guess in order to scare me, it really depends on alot of things like the setting and how it's done. Usually in horror movies or "scary" movies when others are screaming, I laugh. ::tongue:: Chrissy~~~ |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm really putting my self out there on this one.
the Blair Witch Project scared the hell out of me! 1) I live in the woods and there's no lights around and it was pitch black when I got home from the theater and 2) You never saw a witch or a ghost or anything. I have a VERY active imagination(probably why I like to write) which really aloud me to go nuts with what was really happening in that movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacre(the original) is another movie that scared the hell out of me! The fact that a family would all be that messed up to do what they did and accept it as a game! WOW! People scare me more than any monster ever could! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoDavid, I was going to say the Blair Witch Project as well. Though I thought the ending blew badly, everything between it was really scary stuff. BW2 was pathetic and horrible.
For me, I don't scare easily anymore, simply because of some things that I've experienced in life. The unknown doesn't really bother me like it does most folks--I'm actually fascinated by what's out there. the thing that scares me is something happening to my family and me not being able to do something about it. I'm a very protective individual and when it comes to my family, I'm vicious--yes, vicious. But, I hate feeling helpless to protect them or help them. AJ |
[no subject]17 Years AgoQuote:
Originally posted by Aj Brown David, I was going to say the Blair Witch Project as well. Though I thought the ending blew badly, everything between it was really scary stuff. BW2 was pathetic and horrible. For me, I don't scare easily anymore, simply because of some things that I've experienced in life. The unknown doesn't really bother me like it does most folks--I'm actually fascinated by what's out there. the thing that scares me is something happening to my family and me not being able to do something about it. I'm a very protective individual and when it comes to my family, I'm vicious--yes, vicious. But, I hate feeling helpless to protect them or help them. AJ I loved the ending! It let you kinda believe what you wanted. Besides it gave me a great idea for a prank for my sister. BWP scared my sister so bad that she slept in my moms bed for a week. She was 20years old. So one night she was out I took a floor lamp that stood a good 6'0" and dressed it up like a man using some of my clothes, a teddy bear, and a beanie. It looked just like Josh standing in the corner of the house in BWP, so I put it in the corner of her room, right next to where her light switch was, so she'd see it when she got home. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoTell me she wet her pants, man.
[no subject]17 Years AgoDavid you sound just like my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor girl! Did she wet her pants? lol
Aj, I agree with your feeling about being vicious when it comes to protecting your family. I am the same way. One time I was at a casino with my mom and this lady slammed into her and my mom fell and the lady had the nerve to yell "Watch where you're going b***h!" I went after the lady and was going to beat the crap out of her..I didnt even think about it...I saw my mom on the floor and this big crazy lady gesturing and yelling at her and my instincts just kicked in! As for the BWP--that was spooky! You know what else scared me? The "Return of the Living Dead" movies! those were awful! zombies and such scare the crap out of me! Anything involving dead bodies scares me! Also, and I know I keep referencing older movies, but "Phantasm" was scary too! Oh, and what about in "Salems Lot" when the (boy)?? tapped on the glass?? THAT was scary! ::tongue:: |
[no subject]17 Years AgoSALEM'S LOT when the boy tapped on the glass! Ha. That was the first horror movie I ever saw and my brother is older than me with sandy blond hair. I have dark hair and we lived near woods that we cut through all the time going from one neighborhood to another. When that scene happend it scared the crap out of me and for months I refused to take the shortcut through the woods.
AJ |
[no subject]17 Years AgoHello all-- brand new here and many thanks for the invite. I haven't even posted anything but a goofy poem yet-- not being a poet, it's just for fun. What scares me? Well, I'm gonna sound jaded-- suffice to say enough very scary stuff has happened to me in real life-- to which I never react appropriately! In the world of horror films and stories I'm the idiot running TOWARDS the light, looking for the source of weird noises, and trying to communicate with the aliens and ghosts! Yeh, that's me. And always smiling and gushing, "oh this is SO cool!" Even witnessing an actual crime in progress, everyone else hits the dirt but I just watch with interest, and a big ol smile like I'm doing research! My closest encounter with an actual ghost was caught on film and I am giggling like a jerk Peril to my life isn't scary to me, unless I start imagining premature burial. YIKES!! The scariest thing in the world? IMAGINATION!!
[no subject]17 Years AgoNothing wrong with searching for the ghost and finding it cool. It's what you do after you come in contact with the ghost that matters!
AJ |
[no subject]17 Years AgoQuote:
Originally posted by Aj Brown Tell me she wet her pants, man. No. Unfortunately she came home with her boyfriend at the time and it wasn't too too late. It was still dark out though. I was down stairs and I hear her, "OH, OH, OH DAVID MICHAEL(that's what my family calls me cause my dad's name is David too)I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" She came downstairs laughing. I was dissapointed so when they left out again I put my glow in the dark Jason mask on it and put it in her closet. She has the kind with the fold out doors, like the one Laurie hides behind in the first Halloween. I put it between those and cracked the door a bit, just enough so that when she turned the light off the mask would glow through. That one got a really nice scream out of her! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoNot much scares me except failure.
[no subject]17 Years AgoFailure doesn't scare me, as long as I give it my best shot. I'm ultra competitive and played a lot of sports and, though I hated to lose, it was worse if I felt like the team or myself didn't give premium effort.
I try hard at everything I do. I've failed at some, succeeded at others. But, it's the effort that keeps me from being too disappointed when some things don't work out. AJ |
[no subject]17 Years AgoYeah even failure doesn't really scare me too much. But I do get frustrated with myself if I don't succeed at something. I tend not to attempt things I don't foresee a decent chance of succeeding at, so the failure rate is minimal.
I guess cancer kinda scares me. If I get cancer, I'd rather not know about it and just die one day. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoIm with you Kate! I was just saying Id love to be a ghost hunter! Did anyone watch that show last night on Sci-Fi called "Ghost Adventures?" That was awesome! these 2 film-makers went to Virginia City in Nevada--the most haunted city in America--and did a documentary about their experiences. they really found some scary s**t!
I also love to watch Ghost Hunters. Cool show. As for failure, cancer, things like that scaring me? ofcourse! Ill tell you what used to scare me, for the longest time it was one of my biggest fears, but I can honestly say it isnt doesnt scare me at all. Being alone. I used to fear the future and worry what happens when my parents and brother die? IF they pass before me? Ill be left alone and with noone to love me, noone to love or count on, or share life with. I used to worry that Id end up alone with noone and just be by myself. This doesnt scare me anymore. Ofcourse I still fear my families passing, ofcourse, but as for being alone? Not anymore. I think its because Im happy with myself and know that Im plenty strong enough to handle anything that comes my way and survive it. With or without someone holding my hand. (When I say alone, by the way, I dont mean so much in the physical sense. Im always surrounded by many that claim to be my friend or love me, but Im talking about truly, real, unconditional type love you only really ever get from family and pets/animals!) Back to what scares me? Drowning! Im also terrified of heights! Bridges freak me out! so does flying....but monster/horror wise? Demons, evil spirits...zombies!!!!!!! Zombies are horrifying. Imagine having to be-head it and that being the ONLY way to survive. yikes! |
[no subject]17 Years AgoThe bathroom scene in Dreamcatcher scared the s**t out of me for weeks!!! ::cry:: I'll never watch that movie again.
Other than that I'm scared of spiders and deep water. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI actually scare really easily. I remember last year when I went to a couple haunted houses with friends. I jumped so much when those masked and costumed I don't know what you call them- I guess professional frighteners- jumped out of the shadows. My friends were like, "I thought you like to write horror." ::cool::
The funny thing is there is nothing I won't read or watch and the scarier the better. I think I am perhaps most afraid of demonic possesion, mutilation, insanity, and creatures and creepy crawlies from other dimensions. ::drool:: |
[no subject]17 Years AgoVictor, I think the unexpected is the scariest! Occasionally ill go through a haunted house and be surprised, and I jump like a fool! ;)
I agree with the other things you mentioned...all scary. What would also scare me is being trapped in a coffin or container--(think Fear Factor)--with Moths, or really any type of Bug. I have a MAJOR bug phobia. Big time. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoIt's still a mainly premature burial thing with me-- I have an old Victorian coffin that I still TO THIS DAY will not let anyone close the lid on, when I am in it. Memories? Maybe-- over active imagination? Definitely! Like most of you I'm sure, we can certainly scare ourselves half to death just 'vividly imagining' things.....and in my case, I never quite recovered from the vision of live burial!! (I collect alot of weird sh-t or at least that's what the neighbors call it-- the coffin is part of the Victorian/funeral antique stuff...) But to be honest, I never really think about disease or death in a 'scares me' fashion. And I guess I avoid thoughts of illness in general-- being a firm believer in the theroy that what you think, you create or cause to happen. Now that's scary!!