Scary Story Writers Group : Forum : Book Recommendation for Bizarr..

Book Recommendation for Bizarro/Horro Fans

17 Years Ago

The Girl with the Lampshade Eyes by Bryan DiTolvo ... buy it here:

It's a collection of short, short stories that are horrifying, strange, hilarious, and just plain unique as hell. If you happened to check out the first issue of my zine, The Open Vein, you probably read one of his stories, "Cannibal Schoolgirls." The whole book is basically in that same vein.

However, check out the Lulu site. You can read a couple of the stories for free on there and by all means, if you enjoy them, help support underground horror and pick up a copy. It'll be well worth your time.

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17 Years Ago

Thanks for the info Justin! I will check them out! ::smile::

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17 Years Ago

This just recently got a new link:

So visit there instead!

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17 Years Ago

Looks interesting,but how can you read some of the stories?

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17 Years Ago

Back with the old link, there used to be a two-story preview. But, here's a mini-sampler I created to help Bryan out: