Scary Story Writers Group : Forum : Untitled (as of yet)

Untitled (as of yet)

17 Years Ago

The last rays of an uncaring sun, as it set on the distant horizon, cut golden horizontal slits in the

dust that hung in the air. In the distance, the tall man in faded blue jeans and a leather trenchcoat

could hear loons screaming. A slight smile, so small and fleeting that it might not have been there

at all, crossed his lips, as he stood in the dilapidated old barn, remembering. He looked down at his

weathered hands, and a look crossed his face that one might take for melancholy, if anyone had been

around to see it. The look was gone in a flash and when he raised his head to scan the interior of

the barn with his dark eyes, a blank expression had replaced it.

He swept his eyes around the dark wooden walls of the building, searching. Farm implements from what

appeared to be a century ago, hung on the walls, and sat in the corners of the structure, rusting away

into nothing. The parallel risers of a ladder, crossed unevenly by rickety steps (many of which had

been broken) rose towards the loft above. Ancient straw and weeds covered the floor.

As his eyes examined the floor, a frown appeared. He began to turn towards the exit, when an

imperfection on the floor in the far corner caught his eye. A cold grin rose on his face, revealing

rows of gravestone white, perfectly aligned teeth. He strode over to the corner, reached down, and

pulled the handle to the hidden door that lay obscured beneath straw and years of neglect.

When he finally emerged from the time worn shack, the sun was gone and a bloated,full, blood red moon

had replaced it. It hung, swollen, just above the horizon.

The dark man smiled, as he patted one of the many pockets in his coat. His prize lay within, rescued

from the inside of a barn , where it had laid hidden for almost a century.

As he walked up the overgrown path that led to a dirt road, he found himself whistling softly. He

hadn't been so happy in a long time. This had turned out to be a fine evening.

He turned left onto the dirt road, and shambled along, his ancient cowboy boots moving easily over the

ruts and bumps that covered this unkept lane. He followed it as it wound deeper into the forest.

Some time later, he was startled out of the comfortable semi-daze he had entered as he walked by a


He stopped short,head cocked, listening.

"wwwwwwwwhHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!" screamed an owl from a nearby tree.

The dark man could see it, perched on a branch watching him with its giant golden eyes.


"Who, indeed," said the traveller, with a smile.

He raised his arm and pointed his finger at the creature, like a child who was playing cops and robbers would aim his hand at the bad guy.

He cocked his thumb and winked at the owl, the grin never leaving his face.

The owl gave a "WHHHHHHOOOO----", then fell from the branch with a thud, stone-dead.

The dark man chuckled, and continued on his merry way, it was a fine evening indeed.

Any suggestions so far?