Scary Story Writers Group : Forum : My Horror Zine: The Open Vein

My Horror Zine: The Open Vein

17 Years Ago

Hello all. In addition to scrawling my own horror stories, I'm the editor for a PDF zine for horror lit called The Open Vein. I'm just starting out, but feel free to check out the site ( and add me as a friend to receive the zine when the first issue is done.

While all fiction slots in the first issue are already filled, I am always looking for content for future issues, so please submit!

Justin Burning, Editor - The Open Vein

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17 Years Ago

I'll check it out in a few minutes. I love when new zines open up. Fresh voices in the genre are always a bonus.


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17 Years Ago

Alright, I checked it out. I can send you something.


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17 Years Ago

Fantastic! Always looking for more material. The first issue is filled out and should be out in the beginning of July (depending on when I get some cover artwork secured).

However, there's always issue two!

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17 Years Ago

And a fine webzine it is, Justin. Good luck with it!