Roleplay X : Forum : Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 sniffed at the bacon before taking one and eating it. Then ate the rest hungrily.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito smiled wider, and rubbed her head with his other hand. "That's a good girl."
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 didn't flinch at his touch as she ate, too focused on filling her empty stomach to care.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito smiled softly.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 looked up at him when she had finished.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito smiled at her. "Feeling better?"
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

) ~To join~ Character name:25 Age:16 Description: was abducted from her parents for testing when she was really little.she grew up in the testing center and was experimented on before the finalization of 52.she has long red hair and pale skin.her eyes are green. Personality: she has a fiery spirit despite all that shes been through.she is brave and strong. Military member or citizen?: experiment.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by Megara
) ~To join~ Character name: her experiment number is 25. Age:16 Description: was abducted from her parents for testing when she was really little.she grew up in the testing center and was experimented on before the finalization of 52 she has the ability to shape shift but she can take on any form.she has long red hair and pale skin.her eyes are Personality: she has a fiery spirit despite all that shes been through.she is brave and strong. Military member or citizen?: experiment.
(I'm sorry, Megara, but I can't accept this character. If you've seen the anime of Fullmetal Alchemist, you'll know that it's hard to create even a simple chimera. Let alone one who can change forms at all. 52 is the only one who can, and even she is dying because of it. So having one that can change into whatever forn they want is impossible. I don't mean to sound mean, but your character can't be that. However, you can still be a chemira. There are humans who have been made into chimeras that have an animal's abilitys, Ex. a girl from the anime was a snake Chimera, and she could stretch her body as far as she wanted and have snake like movements. You can be one of those, but not a shifting one. I'm sorry.) ________ 52 nodded slightly, looking les frightened than she had been before.

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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito smiled. "That's good I-" He stopped short when he realized something. "Did you just nod?"
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 nodded again slowly.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

"That's so cool!" The Ishvalan was excited.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 looked at him with confused eyes, and backed up a little by his outburst
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito saw her back away from him. "Sorry." He apologized. "It's just...I've never met an animal that could respond like that."
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 relaxed slightly. So he didn't know she was a chimera. Good, then maybe he wouldn't take her back to the warehouse.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito stood up. "It's nice to have someone that's not a co-worker to talk to."
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 looked at him, listening.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

"My name's Naito." He said as he got a fork and sat at the table. "Since you're so smart, I figured I might as well tell you."
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 cautiously stepped closer to the table.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito looked at the dog.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 looked up at the table and whimpered slightly.