Roleplay X : Forum : Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

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Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Yeah, so this is based off my little FMA fan-fic that's I'm doing, and I was hoping to use this to come up with good ideas to use in the story. So, mind helping me out? :) This takes place 15-20 years after the death of Ed and Al Elric. The military has gone back to being somewhat normal, and no more reports of anyone trying to make the Philosopher's Stone have been made. But, one thing is still going on. A new State Alchemist has been chosen to take up Shou Tucker's research on making Chimeras. The new Sewer Alchemist, with several years of continuous research and the help of an almost completed, fake Philosopher's Stone, he has created a Chimera who can change forms. She is simply called 52, and the pride of the Alchemist's work. For instead of having two bodies formed into one, she can shift into a full human or full dog form, but not on her own will. Although, there is one problem. Because she is able to perfectly change her forms, her immune system is not working as it should. Instead, it is attacking her from the inside.
One day she manages to escape the place she was created, but not after suffering terrible wounds from a training exercise. Near death, a newly made State Alchemist finds her, not knowing she is the missing chimera due to the fact she looks like a normal human girl. But is she safe being in his care, or will she end up going back to her place of creation and suffering?
Take a look at what I already have of my story if you want. But if not, that's fine to. You can still rp with me. :) ~To join~ Character name: Age: Description: Personality: Military member or citizen?: Alchemists or regular human?:
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Character Name: 52 (Name will change later) Age: 17 Description:  As a human, she has shoulder length white hair, and amber eyes. Her skin is very sickly pale, and is extremely underweight because of her immune system. As a dog, she is a Husky/wolf mix. Her fur is all white expect for one brown ear. Again, she is very malnourished. She is supposed to be able to speak English as a human, but she doesn't know how. Personality: She is scared of everything, and is always fearing something will happen to her one day and is cautious in everything she does. Military member or citizen?: She is a creation of the military. Alchemist or human?: Part human, but still a Chimera.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Could you post a character sheet so I know exactly what to put in?
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Sure, let me do that now.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Okay, I put up a character sheet. :)
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Character Name: Naito Tentai Age: 16 Description: A typical Ishvalan, he has a caramel skin tone, white messy hair, and red eyes. He wears the standard military uniform, and is around 5'11 in height. He isn't very muscular, but is toned from years of training. Personality: Friendly and an animal lover. Alek is faithful to the Ishvalan religion even though he was cast out for practicing alchemy. Military member or citizen?: Military (Major) Known as the Deus Ex Machina alchemist. Alchemist or human?: Alchemist He has a tattoo similar to Scar's on his right arm, and a reverse tattoo in white on his left arm.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Great! Shall we rp?
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Yeah, go ahead and post first.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

(Okay!)______ 52 ran down the nearest alley way she could find find in her dog form. Or more like limped. Her left leg was broken and numerous other wounds stained her white fur red. Pain made her want to stop running, but she had to get away from the warehouse.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito was performing rounds when he saw an injured dog. He knelt down with slow deliberate movements and gestured for it to come closer.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 stopped in fear as she saw the blue uniform, much like the man who had made her wore. She coward back against the wall of an alley.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito smiled softly. "It's alright. I won't hurt you." He promised softly.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 panicked when he spoke and started to run the other way, but tripped. She yelped in pain as she landed on her injured leg.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito cautiously walked over to inspect the injury. He looked to the dog for permission before he touched it. He didn't want to further upset him/her more than they were already.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 tried to get up, but couldn't. She had lost too much blood and she leg wouldn't let her. So she laid there shaking and whimpering.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito gently examined the wound. It was definitely broken, and she, as he figured out, had lost quite a bit of blood.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 shook and whimpered. All she could think about was that he was going to take her back to the warehouse.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito picked her up, mindful of her wounds, and carried her to his house that wasn't too far away. "I'll have to take you to my house to treat your wounds." He said to the whimpering hound.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

52 shivered in his arms, her whimpering becoming less as she lost more blood.
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Re: Random Fullmetal Alchemist rp.

11 Years Ago

Naito shifted her so that he could use one arm to unlock and open the door. He shut the door behind him when he walked in with his foot. He shoved everything that was on the dining room table, and set the dog down. He left her momentarily to get some bandages and disinfectant.

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