Roleplay X : Forum : Inheritors

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11 Years Ago

An inheritance cycle rp where a few years after Eragon left for the new country. Choose your race and shape the world as you see fit. Become a dragon rider, or anything you wish, as a dwarf, an Urgal, an elf or a human.
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Re: Inheritors

11 Years Ago

The Rider Name: Ventus, or Ven for short Alias(es)/Title(s): None Gender: Male Actual Age: 1408 Visual Age: 19 Race: Human/Elf hybrid General Appearance: Unruly, spiky, shoulder length, bright blonde hair, and slightly slanted sapphire blue eyes. An acrobat's build, is 5'11, and has naturally tanned skin. His face is chiseled, and lacks any baby fat whatsoever. Extras: A thick, sleeveless, black, scaled vest; form fitting black pants, with knife holsters strapped on the outside of each thigh, and knee padding; black leather boots that have three buckles on the leg, ending just below the knees; fingerless, elbow length black gloves, with three adjustable straps; a black quiver attached to his back with a harness. Overall Personality: Quiet, but curious about things new to him. Rarely speaks, preferring action to words. Generally a mellow and relaxed guy, but extremely protective of the ones he deems precious. Additional Details: A master huntsman, expertly wielding a bow and excellent with traps. Skilled with a knife, but no knowledge of swords or other weapons. The Dragon Name: Mithras Alias(es)/Title(s): None Gender: Female Actual Age: Six months old Appearance: A mostly white dragon, she has ebony tribal markings along her scales and black talons, she has crimson eyes. Built for speed and aerodynamic maneuvers as opposed to strength, and heavy hitting. Her fire is white, but black at the base of the flame. Personality: Wise, often giving Ventus council on matters. She has a tendency to mother Ventus, and others, even when it isn't wanted. Only having Ventus' best interest at heart, she loves her rider more than anything else in the world. History: Ventus was an accident between an Elven mother and a human father. Not wanting to be ostracized by their respective races, they abandoned him into the wilderness. He was then found by a elf who had been exiled from Elesmera for a capital crime. A few years later, having learned a hunter's trade from the elf, Ventus was an accomplished marksman, and trap maker. Not wanting the child he had raised as his own to be defenseless at close range, the elf trained Ven in handling a knife and hand to hand combat. One day when the man Ventus now called father left, he never came back, leaving him all alone. Centuries passed by, and Ventus grew up. After heading out on a hunting expedition Ventus stumbled upon a white egg marbled with black.
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Re: Inheritors

11 Years Ago

I just finished reading Inheritance today!! I'll join!
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Re: Inheritors

11 Years Ago

The Rider's name: Anya. Alias/Titles: None Gender: Female Age: 18 Race: Human Appearances: Anya stands around 5'8". She has simply looks with shoulder length brown hair that has natural blonde highlights. Her eyes are a dark blue, almost grey, in color. Her skin is lightly tanned. Personality: Anya is a very naïve girl. She always tries to think the better of someone and can easily be fooled if she isn't careful. She will offer help to anyone who needs it, and will try to solve a problem before it comes to fighting. More times than not, however, she doesn't succeed with this. Extras: She usually wears a simple brown tunic, of black pants, white shirt, and light brown vest. She has a black Rider's sword, although she still needs training to use it properly.The Dragon's Name: Corirk Alias/Titles: None Gender: Male Age: 4 months Appearances: Corrik is all black. No other color can be found on his body, except for his eyes. His eyes are dark amber. He is thickly built, and is quiet strong. Despite his size, he can be swift and graceful while flying. Personality: He is always on guard, never relaxing unless he knows that it's only him and Anya in a place. He is very protective of his Rider, and doesn't trust strangers easily. It may even take months before he even trust a fellow dragon and Rider. History: Anya was born and grew up in a small town near the south of the Empire, close to the Boer Mountains. She helped her parents with the farming and selling of their extra produce. She had heard of the Riders and of the eggs that were being taken from town to town seeing who the next Rider would be, but never really believed she, or anyone from her village would be chosen. That changed when the black egg with amber veins hatched for her. For the first few months, life continued the same for her, expect for the additional responsibility of caring for Corrik. But once he got big enough, they set out to find a mentor to train them. That, and Anya didn't want anyone to get mad at her dragon for eating their livestock. So they started to travel north in order to reach the place where the elves live in hope that they could help them.