Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: It wasn't too hard to follow the little scamp. She was certainly fast, but I kept up.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: The wolf-boy was right on my heels and exited the motel almost as soon as I did. *I'm called Sen,* I state after a minute of silence, *From the Northern Snow Mountains in Glander.* Glander was what the Fox Kind called the land of Shifters. Of course in common tongue it was called something else but it didn't matter to me. He understood what I meant. Besides the  Northern Snow Mountains were rather well known among the Shifter Species.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: *I am Vant. From the central forests.* The woods and forests were typically in the middle of what the wolves called Acasă.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I had downed all his drinks, and f**k maybe that wasn't the greatest idea ever. I couldn't see straight. "Sure," I agreed,and then stumbled over a man before righting myself again. "Its okay," I said, "I've been much more drunk before." Uh... hadn't I? Hey... look at that lamp....
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "ehhh, right." I replied. I lead us to the motel, and got us rooms
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: "Kaida?" I whisper, " Maybe we should let them have bonding time. . ." I knew how rare it was to find a shifter this close to your own species in the human world. "We'll be in the lobby" I call at them. I also didn't understand much of what they were saying. Packs. . .are those the same as friends?
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: I raise an eyebrow, "That is very far away," I say turning into a human and dangle my feet over the side of the dumpster, "What brought you to the world of humans?" I hear the cat call something and watch as her and the dragon girl turn to leave, "You can stay. It's not often you meet any shifters around here."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I watch Vant run off with the fox. Looking away I say to Sasha. " Yeah... I guess so..." I turn to her. " Show me around Newpeak?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "My pack died, normally when that happens a wolf with merge with another one." I told her the. "But an Alpha is supposed to die before any harm comes to the pack. I have no place there anymore." I was what wolves called a true lone wolf.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: "hmm," I let my mind drift thoughtfully for a moment then leap off the dumpster and head for the mouth of the alley, "Well Mr. Lone-Wolf. Shall we catch up with the others? Your new pack is leaving you." I chuckle to myself as I clasp my hands behind my back and raise an eyebrow at this Vant figure.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I followed, but frowned slightly. "They aren't my pack." A pack knew each and every member thoroughly. We didn't. Not at all.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: "Kaida," I whisper. From her look I could tell she was confused. We'd been walking around the city for less than 20 minutes and I'd been giving her a wonderful tour, but stopping abruptly to whisper her name must have seemed odd now that I think about it. With her full attention I continue, "I think I smelled other shifters back at the motel . . ."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: "Eh... You're just saying that now... you'll see soon enough that-" I let my word fade away and narrow my eyes as a scent fills my nose. I turn toward the entrance of the motel, "Um... Vant... You catch up with the others." I say waving him on, "I've got something that needs to be checked out."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "Are you sure? What's wrong?" 
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: I look back at him and flash a grin. "It might be good to have a wolf as backup but I'm just observing tonight." I wink, "See ya later, tender-foot." I then transform into a fox and head off toward the motel.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I turn my attention to Sasha. " Other Shifters? Really? The stench of wolf was all I could smell." I reply
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I left the fox kit, and followed the scent of the Kitty/panda girl and Kaida.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: I pad into the motel and duck into the back so that I could transform without being seen. I then head out into the lobby and plop myself down on the counter behind the desk. The Owner was working today so he wouldn't mind the company.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: "You'll have to get used to smelling the slightest sent here, but I'm sure of it. While we walked out I could pick up the same smell of some shifters. I could tell they'd just gone to a bar." I knew exactly who we were dealing with here.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Who are they?"