Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Yes, I am Princess Kaida of the Realm of Dragon. And you name?" I ask again
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I could easily sense, well smell, the small girls anxiety. She must have been a cat type as well. "I wont hurt you." I promised softly. I didn't hurt anyone unless I had to.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " SO why did you follow us?" I ask Sasha
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: Cautiously eying him, I nod. "Sasha, milady. What brings you here?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: So Kaida was royalty no less. That was surprising to say in the least.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " I was sick of home. I was never to leave the city. SO I decided to come here."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: "I didn't follow," pausing to figure out how to word my suspicious ways. I almost always stay in the shadows and now was beginning to question my whole apperance.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "It doesn't matter how we came to be where we're at." I said to them. "What matters is what will we do now?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I waited for Sasha to tell me why she was her, in the room. I'm most sure that this isn't normal in the human world.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: Looking down I take a deep sigh. "I'm not really sure. . .I usually don't talk to strangers, But! Well lets just say my cat form makes it EXPREMELY easy to spy on anyone I want. I know all there is to know about this city. I mean everything. I couldn't help but take notice on the newbies of my town."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " What town is this?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: "Newpeak"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I had no idea where that was on the human map...
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Never heard of it. I was thinking we should all go down town and maybe you could show us around." I suggest, looking at Sasha to Vant.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "I wouldn't mind." I had nothing except for the clothes on my back, and even then that wasn't much.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sasha: My eyes widen at this suggestion. Looking down, blushing I ask, "Does this make us. . . Friends?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I examined Vant's outfit and shook my head. I pull out a really great outfit for a modern day guy. " Here." I say, pushing the outfit to him. " Take it."   I look at Sasha. " Yeah, I guess it does."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I look at the clothes in surprise. "I cant accept these." I push them back. I could get my own one way or another.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I push the cloths at him again. " Take them. Think of it has a gift from a Dragon Princess. And If you don't take them i'll rip off your head." I say jokingly
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: I grumbled in annoyance as I headed down the hall. "Damn, to early," I whisper the look around and quickly let my fox ears grow so that I could listen to see if anyone in the hotel was awake. I didn't want anyone walking over when I was changing. I hear a few voices but I figure it's fine so with a satisfied breath I change into the little white fox that I always was in the winter.