Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I stood at the very edge of the window and fall out backwards. I know he'll freak out. But i'll be fine.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: What?! I dashed to the window sill in alarm, nearly about to jump after her.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I spread my wings out and the air pushed me back up to the window.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I took a deep, shuddering breath. "You scared me..." I said, but smiled despite myself.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I laughed. " Watch this." I fly out, until he can't see me anymore, then, I transform into a golden dragon.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I hadn't seen her dragon form before. It was absolutely beautiful, stunning really.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaid: " Hop on. No one can see us. To dark and I can make sure no one see's us." I tell him
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I nod, too speachless to say anything. I carefully jumped from the window, to Kaida. I shifted awkwardly, as I sat on her.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Hold on." I say as we fly off into the night sky. The city lights are beautiful from high up.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: Ahah! Being up in the sky was amazing! The lights in the city that shone bright were incredible to look at from above. "This is amazing!"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Hold on really tight!" I tell him as I begin to fly straight up into the cloud bank until we're above the clouds and nearly touching the stars.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I held tightly like she said, and smiled in wonderment as we saw the night sky above the clouds.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I  spiraled upside down so he could run his hand through the clouds.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I let go with my right hand and felt the clouds themselves. This was so often did Kaida do this?
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " I usually do this in my dragon-girl form." (human+dragon wings= Dragon girl)
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "You see this all the time?" I've never been higher up than a mountain, and even then most don't go above the clouds.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " It's my most favorite place in the world. I can think best up here."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I can see why it would be. "Next time...I'll show you my favorite place."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Ready for something really intense?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I immediately held on tight and nodded.