Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I looked up at him, breathing the cool night air in.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I gave her a bright smile, but frowned soon afterwords. "What's going to happen, " I asked her nervously. "When you have to go back and be queen?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I nearly stopped breathing. I hadn't even thought about it. " I-I don't really know... I guess I would ask you to go with me.... But I know you can't leave your pack..."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I frowned sadly. I couldn't ask her to not be a queen, and she couldn't ask me to leave my pack. What would we do? "How long do you have until you have to go back?" I whispered.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: "Just about a year. My crowning is in a year and four months. I need to practice for those four months...."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: So we have a year...I closed my eyes to think. "Even if I went with you...what would people think when they figure out I'm a wolf?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " We may not seem it, but Dragons are understanding and accepting. They will accept you." I tell him
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "Then...Then I'll go with you." I said after a while.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I looked at him in shock. " B-But don't you have a pack you need to go back to?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I smiled ruefully. "No...I don't."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I look at him. " What happened?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "A rival pack, much larger than mine, wanted my territory. I had just become the Alpha, and they took advantage." I said, remembering what happened. "It was an honorable combat at first. One on one, Alpha against Alpha. But the rest of the other Alpha's pack slaughtered mine." It hurt to remember. "They killed them all. The elders, the mothers, who hadn't even given birth yet, and the cubs. They left me alive with the disgrace of being a packless Alpha."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I looked at him with sorrowful eyes. " You have a new pack now. Me and my family will be with you now." I tell him
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I smiled and rested my forehead against hers. "Then I've accomplished what I came to the human world to do." I say.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I smile with my arms still around his neck and kiss him again.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I kissed her back with as much intensity as I could give. She was offering me what I had been stripped of. A pack.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: his lips were soft, it was crazy how much I loved him. It's only been a few months though. But I want him to be mine. He'll be my king.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I love her so much. I don't care what else will happen, if she wants me, then she'll be my Alpha female...
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Want to see something really cool?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I looked at her curiously, and nodded.