Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I rolled my eyes, opening the door for myself. "Its a big city, there can be more than one Mo's... like Mo's coffee shop on 74th street. Don't go there by the way, their coffee's awful." I looked around the interior of Mo's bar... and i came to a conclusion. I think I liked this place. There was fighting, both professional, and... whoa, looks like an actual bar fight just broke out. Some guy got his head smashed off the counter.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Mo!" I called. "Haaaaay! Chan!" He called back "It's Dova" I corrected him, as protocol. "So, one of each.. and another Bloody dust." Mo sighed, and I laughed. "Just two Bds."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I sat up on the counter top, completly ignoring the stool. "So, humor me, while no one else is paying attention and before I get a little tipsy, what exactly are you?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Well, I'm a man-beast." I answered, "Spiderkin, and dragon shift
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Name: Kaida Age: 15 Eye Colour: Silver Hair Colour: Silky, waist-length Black Hair, Animal Features: Dragon, Gold Scales, One Red Eye & One Silver, Hotpink Flecks in her Scales. Other Features: Kaida is very slim and super strong. Her skin is angelicly flawless, Her fingernails are long and deathly sharp.   Kaida is deathly gorgeous. All the men in her Dragon Clan yearn for her, or even just a small glimpse at their Dragon Princess. No one has ever beat Kaida when it comes to physical and mental things. No one dares to even try. Kaida is more of a lone wolf, or dragon in this matter, kind. It is said that Kaida's beauty has turned men into beauty-hunger beasts with her, thick lashes eyes. But it's only a rumor. Right?  Kaida is supposed to marry Lord Drake, a noble dragon male. But Kaida has her heart set on finding humans and discovering more about the outside world. Kaida plans to set out by herself, but she's, for the first time ever, nervous. Not scared. To be alone. Will someone, hopefully another fellow animal shifter, join her on her journey?  
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: Hm, that was certainly a new one. "I'm part panther, nice to meet you." Our drinks arrived, and I got a good look at the bartender. "I'm guessing your man-beast's friend?" Well I really hope the bartender knew, other wise this guy's secret was out.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: Mo laughed, "New nickname, eh champ?" I smiled, "After the last guy, why not?" I gave her a look, a stay cautious glance. "But yeah, me n Chan here go far back, even further back then this bar!"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: Oh, s**t, this guy really doesn't know, does he? Well, I could be a real b***h and let the cat out of the bag, or play it cool and maybe get either information or at the very least a one night stand outta this guy, it just depended on how I played my cards. I looked sweetly at the bartender. "yeah? How long has this bar been here? Surely you guys have been friends a long time, long enough to know each other's secrets." I was going to make man-beast nervous. I was giggling on the inside.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Yeah, Mo was the first and is the only to know about my herpies." I replied rolling my eyes, if sex is a want need be to ask wemon make everything difficult. Mo sighed "She's been runnin' since we got out of Stillwater. '06, I beleive." He shed a tear, "We met in college... been best freinds since."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I stood on the mountain top of the tallest mountain in the Dragon Clan. The land stretched out forever. How I would miss this place. But I couldn't put it off any longer. I sighed at pulled out my small velvet pouch that could hold more than a thousand items. " Time to go..." I had to leave because I wanted to see the world, and, I couldn't bear to marry someone I didn't love. I closed my eyes and transformed into a beautiful dragons and went through the Dragon Realm gateway and was off to the land of humans.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I stalked through the forest near the human habitat. They were a strange people. Far different from the packs back home. I was always alone though, never really fitting in a pack. I left the wolves' domain and decided to try my luck with the humans and their world.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: When I entered the human world I immediately changed back into my human form. This place was stinky and ugly. Smoke rose from buildings and from the human's mouths. What the heck? They all looked grubby and unclean. Back home this would be unacceptable. I pulled a black trench coat from my pouch and swirved through the side walk until I bumped into someone. I looked up at a tall slim, yet well-built man. He had a tattoo that went across his right eye. His hair was white and spiky. I hoped he wasn't an assassin or whatever they call the creeps in this world.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: A girl with black hair walked into me, I assume by accident. "Sorry." I apologized. It wouldn't do well to anger strangers in this area.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: I grumbled as I shook off a few twigs and transformed back into my human shape. "Clothes..." I said absently as I searched around the hollows and pulled out a plain t-shirt and shorts, "Eh... good enough." I stretched my hands and wiggled my bare toes in the cold dirt before heading back into town. It was nighttime already, I hadn't realized that I had slept that long. I had missed a whole day of class, not that it mattered. I had taken Fox form early the night before so that I could hunt down a few ruffians that had taken my favorite necklace, I had it back now and everything but still. They'd have to pay later on. I had made it to the city now, it was mostly deserted except for a few stragglers here and there that stared at me bare feet as I passed. Clearly they thought I was odd... I didn't really care though, I was just passing through.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I continue to look at the stranger. " Sorry." He tells me. " That's okay..." I whisper back, hoping he heard me. I focus on his tattoo, wondering if it symbolizes anything.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: She whispers, and I catch her words easily. I am a canine after all. I notice her looking at my tattoo. Nearly unconsciously I touched the mark that branded me as an alpha.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I realize he knew I wanted to know about the tattoo so I quickly look away. " Sorry..." I mumble and I rush past him.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: She rushed by me and apologized. For what though? I understand her curiosity. "I don't mind." I said quietly.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I pretended not to hear his last words and kept going. I stopped after awhile and looked around. Where do I go now...? I wish another animal shifter was here...
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: She seemed lost, about as much as I was. Though she seemed to want to be by herself.