Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I shifted back and held my right arm gingerly. I couldn't feel my wrist and fingers. "My arm is broken." I muttered. With my good hand I wiped the blood out of my eyes. I must have whacked my head against the wall too hard. "I'm fine." I said to their worried faces.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

(Guys... you really need to READ the previous posts before you reply... it's really throwing me off when I eliminate the gorilla and then all of a sudden he back and your attacking him...) Sen: I wake up on the floor by the doorway and try to stand but have to steady myself because of the dizziness. "What happened to the gorilla?" I ask as I look down at my bloody clothes, "Is this my blood?" My eyes widen suddenly and I stagger over to Vant, "Are you alright?" I ask dropping down in front of him, "How bad is you injury?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Luna-the smell of blood wafts up towards me and I fly down as a falcon and land on the sill.I see the damage and turn to human form.I sit on the sill legs dangling into the room."that was quite a scuffle."I say.I have never felt fear before so I am completely calm when talking to these shifters.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I looked at Vant. Closing my hands I set my hand on his arm and consentrate. Soon I can feel electricity moving through me and flowing into his arm to heal him.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Sen: Kiada and Vant clearly looked busy so I stand and look over the new-comer, "Who are you?" I ask a bit snappish, "Why is it that all of these shifters find it okay to come into MY den and act like they are at home." I transform into a tiny white fox and bark at the bird-girl angrily.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I watched in awe as Kaida healed my arm of its pain.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I looked up at Vant and smiled faintly. I rose my hand to his cheek and lightly set my hand on the side of his face to heal one of the cuts. " It's a gift I was born with." I say. We didn't even notice the girl who had entered the room.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I stared at her curiously. She bothered to heal me, on her own wishes. It was an amazing feeling to know someone actually cared after being alone for so long. "I would have healed." I mumbled. My body had a special quirk that made me heal faster than most. "Thank you though."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Um, Yeah. No problem." I reply quietly. His cobalt blue eyes were so deep. I shook my head and looked away. He's a wolf. I'm a Dragon. Don't even think about it Kaida. I tell myself./
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I quirked my head to the side. I wonder, what was she thinking about? I stood up fully, a few pops from sore joints here and there, but nothing too bad, and looked around for the gorilla shifter. "Where did he go?" I asked Kaida.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Ah.. Um... O-Out the window...?" I tell him as I stand up
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I leaned out the window and winced at what was left of the shifter. It looked like someone had taken a woodchipper to him. Poor b*****d. "Are you alright?" I asked Kaida. The gorilla had done me a number. I didn't want anyone else hurt.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: " Uh..." I look behind my back at my hand and pull down my sleeve. " Yes. I'm fine." I reply
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "I can smell blood you know." I said knowingly.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I look away. " Not mine? Maybe a waft from the gorilla shifter...?" I suggest. I didn't want him to know I couldn't heal myself with my magic.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I shook my head. "Blood smells different for everyone, since no one eats the exact same diet." I held my hand out. "Let me see."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I look at the floor and give him my hand, my sleeve is still pulled over my hand and is now blood stained. 
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: I gently pulled up her sleeve and examined the wound. It was shallow, but long. An easy fix in theory, but it could get infected if it wasn't treated soon. Swing as we didn't want to arouse even more suspicion, and we didn't have any first aid kits, I did what a wolf did to an injured pack member: I licked the wound clean.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Kaida: I jolted in surprise when Vant began to lick the cut. What was he doing? " V-Vant? What are you doing..." I stammer
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Vant: "If it doesn't get treated, it'll get infected." I muttered before returning to clean the cut.