Roleplay X : Forum : Wild At Heart

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Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

So, in this rp, your character can transform into any animal. For example, this is my character:

Name: Candice, gender: female, Appearence: mousy, dark brown hair and brown eyes, pale skin with a few freckles here and there, skinny (but has curves).
Animal she transforms into: black panther

The story goes:
There are a group of only certain people on this earth who can access the part of their brain allowing them to transform into a type of animal best fitting them, and you are one of those people. Have your character transform into the animal best fitting for them, but don't get caught transforming in front of regular humans! Why are you this way? Are there others like you? Journey with your closest friends and allies to find out.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: Dova is native to Japan, and is very patrotic. He studied acient mythologies of course the asian mythologies FIRST, but the other after. His "animal" per say isn't what we normaly consider an animal, his are "mythical creatures" really. Which there are three that fit him best. The dragon of old, due to his patrotism of his native lands. Spider cention *A spider man mix where his legs turn into spider legs, and his top half turns into a more muscular scary demonic looking form*, due to his athletic skill and his stealth. The third is a smaller scale cyclopse, which his two eyes morph into one allowing him to shoot fire, or lightning through his pupil and his hands turn into bear paws with very sharp claws. Which the cyclopse and bear paw mixture represents his enter strength for he is very determined, and has lots of heart. The eye is a window to see the strength, and his bear paws are represenitive of his weilding his enter strength.   Appearance: He is medium height, he has muscle but not enough to slow him down, and he was "deformed" at birth giving his feet a more leathry look, and feel, but also allowing his feet to have better grip. His eyes are a firey red due to *rather expensive* surgery. Dragons are his favourite animal, so he had surgery that rendered his pupils larger. Which larger pupils means he can't take in too much sunlight in case, he has better vision at night, and must wear protective eye gear during the day.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Name: Sen, Gender: Female, Animal: Fox (White, red, or black depends on situation), Appearance: Short, short red hair, sly green eyes, thin but healthy. She's different which is why most people don't take to her, though the reason why she's so different is because she first transformed when she was eight and the experience really scarred her. She's young (15) so she appears as a pup most of the time.   
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Name: Vant Gender: Male Appearence: Shocking white hair that sticks up in random places, and cobalt blue eyes. He has an athletic build while still staying slim. A unique black tattoo across his right eye which also shows up on his animal form. Animal: A white wolf, though the size depends on the situation.

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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

I think we have enough people, lets start!   Candice: I beleive there is a difference between right and wrong, that light exists in this world as well as darkness... the real question is, who's side are you really on? I've asked myself this many time, and I've come to a startling conclusion... who gives a s**t? I was taking the back road home to my apartment I lived in by myself, even though I was only seventeen, when four ugly morons had me cornered in this alley. Typical, isn't it? Ugh, gag me. "Hey girlie, who knows your here?" One asked., and another one swayed, they were obviously drunk. "Really not in the mood guys," I warned, grouding my teeth. But they didn't really seem to get it, so what do I do? I change. Right in this alley in front of people... you know, I swore to myself I'd quit doing that! Standing right in front of my "attackers" was a black panther, and oh baby, this kitty was lethal.  
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: Running on building tops as usual. I had just gotten into a fight with a "freind". I needed peace, quite, but not so much. That's why the night time city was my favorite place for when I'm troubled. We call it the night city because... well, it's like a whole new city at night. The cars are different though mostly non existant, the people were so much more interesting, and when I'm tired it's night time so it's okay to take a long nap. Running from building to building was fun, challenging, excersising, but also a form of meditation for me. *Raaaawr!* Ah, an animal, wild cat, must be in the city. The citizens must be in danger. As "Dova", I swore to be a protecter over this city to fight the threats of the innocent. I slipped, and fell. I was falling into a deep dark allyway, and perfect, that's where the "cat" was. >.> I held my hands into position, martial arts was how I made a living. At bars, they bet on fights, and who ever wins gets all the losers' bet money. The bartender hired us, and seceratly pays us too. That's not important, this panther is important. "Get back!" I demanded, looking at the citizens. "Shadows hide me" I chanted underneath my breath, "And the vision of the pure be blind." I changed, and my lower half turned into the lower half of a spider. This was definetly an interesting night.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I hissed. Who the hell was this guy? Great, now not only are those four fools going to know I can change, but now they're going to know I can talk, too. "Look buddy," I said, "Move out of the way before I rip you to shreds and eat the pieces. I don't know who you think you are, but if you don't get out of the way between me and the four morons who just tried to gang rape me just now, I'm gonna get real upset real fast."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: Of course, *sigh* I was unrightfuly involved. "I'll take care of it, mr talking panther guy." I replied, "Just, eh.... sit for a minute, please?" I turned to the four men, obviously drunk, and tied them up in web, then hung them where the panther shouldn't be able to get them. I sighed, and turned around. "So, you're real...right?!"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: Oh, he did not just tell me to sit, and... I pounced on him, digging my claws in. "You did NOT  just call me a guy! I am obviously a perfectly nice young lady on her way back to her apartment when these sons of b*****s jumped me, and if you would oh so kindly allow me to rip into their jugulars before I rip into yours for telling me to sit, do I look like a dog to you?" I growled. soooooooo not in the mood for this BS today.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: grabbed her arm, and bent it and CRRRRK her arm bent wrong. "How am I supposed to tell, all I know is YOU'RE A TALKING PANTHER!" I exclaimed back, "And for the record, you are so unatractive, lady."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: "Ok, now that was just rude." Without warning, I knashed my teeth into his shoulder, biting int to the bone, blood spurting all over his face and mine. Two could play that game. I dug my claws in deeper into his skin, knocking him over, my black tail swayed back and forth violently.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "SO IS THIS HUGE GAP IN MY ARM!" I shouted. I shot web through my palm, and crawled on the wall. "We obviously got off on the wrong, paw." I said, "Maybe we could make up, how about dinner?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I changed back to a human girl, feeling like the danger wasn't really there anymore. "There's going to be a huge gap in your other arm if you keep screaming like that." I shook my head, and my strands of dark brown hair fell into place. "So, what the hell are you supposed to be? Spiderman?" Honetly, nothing surprises me anymore. Well, hardly ever, at least. I wasn't sure about this guy, I'd change back and finish him off if need be.  
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: Wow, okay, witty pun may have actually saved me. I changed back, and landed. "Spiderman?" I sighed, "He's been impersonating me again...hasn't he? Oh, but this big gaping hole is okay. I can just stitch it up, medical degrees are life savers."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: "yeah, you might want to do that soon, seeing as in a few minutes your going to bleed to death if you don't. Anyway, on the off chance that you do survive... you said something about taking me to dinner?" I paused, checking my phone, "Then I'm cancelling my plans with Adam tonight." This guy didn't seem bad, but he better not try to pull any weird s**t on me, or he really would bleed to death. However, if he was lying about knowing how to give stitches, then he might die anyways, that wound was rather deep...
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Hold on a minute, don't have any stitches." Rrrrr, rrraw I webbed my arm. Partial transformations are f*****g difficult! I've practiced so long...and I'm only getting this far! Luckily, I webbed it nice and tight. Should hold, definitely. "Yeah, dinner." I agreed, changing back. "I'll take you to Mo's. It's a nice bar, drinks and the good food are discounted for me." I nodded, and started walking.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: I caught up to him. "Your really offering to buy me drinks? Be prepared to carry my drunk a*s home, then. I can be a bit of an, oh how do I say this, avid party girl." I looked at him, "So to pass the time until we actually get there, what's your drink? Mine's bloody mary or pina colada.
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Ehh, bloody marry?" I never heard of one, "This is a bit of a different bar. See, I'm SECERATLY a fighter, at the bar, hired by the bartend... for entertainment. Our drinks are named a bit differently, my "drink" is reffered to as bloody dust. It's red, and gray color is most likely the cause of the name. Our bartender wants to keep it interesting."
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Candice: "Well I would like one of each." I almost burst out laughing at the look on his face. "Dude, I was totally kidding. So is this the place? Oh, and did you say fighter for entertainment?"
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Re: Wild At Heart

11 Years Ago

Dova: "Yeah, easy money." I replied as we gazed upon Mo's "No, that sighn's a liar." I sarcastically answered

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