Roleplay X : Forum : So, anyone want to rp?

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So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Yeah, I'm bored and I would like to work with developing my characters through role play. So, anyone want to help me out?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

sure :) tell me some of your ideas
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Thanks, Rachel! :) Well, I want to do Winter, from my new book I am working out, and I would two brothers from a another book i want to do. Although, I have no idea why all of my characters I want to use are guys. XD
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

just joined this group, your story sounded interesting. :)
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Thanks! Which one? XD And would you like to rp?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Helloooo, You should all join my rp The Maze Games, MESSAGES me your character profile after reading The Maze description to see if your going to one of the chosen 12.
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

I'll check that out. :)
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

sounds cool, and sure, ill rp :p
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Great! What would you like to rp? We can do anything you want. :)
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by Dark Rider
Yeah, I'm bored and I would like to work with developing my characters through role play. So, anyone want to help me out?

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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Sorry I haven't replied, haven't had the chance to check much of anything. I don't mind what we rp about. We could start with something and see how it goes from there.
Just a suggestion :p
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Okay! What kind of things do you like to rp?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

What about a murder mystery role play? In another group we have this game where we are given our characters and one person is the murderer (its called rabbits and the one is the wolf). The way you play is by role playing and trying to figure out who the wolf is. We could do something like that but make our own characters and then we chose a person to email the jobs everyone gets (ex: mailman, secretary, police and of course THE MURDERER)

What do you think?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Sounds fun! :)
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

I like it :)
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Okay, so what do we do first?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

We have to pick someone to assign jobs.
And how much this person can reveal or participate.
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

Ok... then I'll just make the forum and try to run it? It'll occastionally give hints
Whoever wants to join can and I'll assign jobs
Does that sound ok?
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Re: So, anyone want to rp?

11 Years Ago

I like that idea. If you want I can be a neutral third party. Assign jobs, but not participate.

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