Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I look at Castiel and tell him with a nod to release the boy. " If I see you without your sister I will kill you." I tell him coldly
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "Save your Sweet-Nothin's for your lover," I snap back at her moodily.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I thank the princess and her guard knowing this will mean extra punishment later and grab the boy. Once we've walked a good distance away I say,"You should've stay quiet. She would have killed you, then what could you do for the rebellion?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I narrow my eyes at her, "What bout you?" I snap, "You ait my sister."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: "You are too kind princess." I said softly.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: "You're alive because of it." I wondered how exactly this little boy was involved. He had a smart mouth and didn't know anything about respect, but I didn't regret saving him yet. Glancing back at the princess and her guard, I sighed they were almost out of view. "Besides I can help"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "Who says we need your help?" I state bluntly sulking that I hadn't found out any information. "Loki barley has use for me. I'm lucky to have gotten a mission and now you've interrupted!"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I finally understood. He was like a lost puppy. "The princess is not someone to mess with." I look at him in the eyes, "She WILL kill you." He had to understand this. "She is a merciless woman full of hate with no one left to put her in her place now that the prince ran off." I look down. As much as I hated royalty he was the only one who ever treated me like human being not just some slave dog. "Whatever information you need you won't find from her. Whatever you need I'll gladly tell you." Hoping to bust his confidence again. Even if he wasn't my little brother, I felt a closeness to him somehow. I understood the feeling of wanting to be accepted.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I look over the girl skeptically, "She didn't seem that scary," I state bluntly, "but whatever, fine if you want to help the rebel get going." I look around thoughtfully then peel the pin off my jacket and hand it to her, "Find a girl names Eponine, give her this and tell her you want to help the rebel. She'll take you to Loki."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I giggle a little, "She's a princess she's not suppose to appear frightening. One thing you should know. Royalty have some sorta fetish with not dirtying her hands specifically. They have others do the dirty work." I take the pin and thank him but before letting him go I warn him, "if you decide  to come back to the castle again I can get you in," I pause ,"But you won't like it." The only to let him snoop around the castle would be for him to work here.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I nod, "I might take you up on that later but for now I'll be in town." I state then point to the pin, "Don't loose it. I want it back."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I smile looking down at the small object. This was the first thing someone had ever given to me. "Take care of yourself ok" I shout as the little boy runs off.I felt a new sense of duty. I had to find Eponine.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I head off toward town and get myself a place to stay. The owner, a man that was part of the Rebel, agree to let me stay in his inn if I worked so I agreed.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: "You think so?" I ask Castiel
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "Hey SAL!" I yell as I enter the greasy inn. "EPONINE! Oh my dear sweet flower, please! Please, I implore you to rethink you answer before." Pablo whined as I brushed past him. "By the night's sweet temptress I ask you to let me paint you!" I roll my eyes and brush his offer away. I had no interest being art. I head into the back where Sal was bent over a pot looking at the content with diguest, "You call this rat-s**t food?" She snapped sourly. "But Sal... we have nothing else," The pimple-faced cook said. Sal thought for a second, "Give it to 'em anyways. They're to drunk to noticed this garbage." I laugh as she turns to me and grins. "Awh. Eponine, come to do your daily work have you?" I smile and nod as I pick up a bowl of the fowl looking soup. What had the cook put into this?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I shrug. It wasn't really my place to say, and I said so. "I am only to protect you from hostilities."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I watched Ama and the boy walk into the castle then sit back on the bench. I looked up into the beautiful blue sky, wondering where Prince Joey has disappeared too.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: "What are you thinking about, princess?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: " I was just thinking about where Joey may be..." I whisper
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I simply stayed quiet, unsure how to respond to her.