Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I start to whistle as I make my way through the streets. Nothing like a good battle song to get the blood flowing in the morning!
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I promised myself I would check on the prince in the morning but when I arrived no one was there. I search the entire ground and only found plans for a attack. I knew he was a great fighter but could this rebellion really stand a chance against the king's knights? Racing back toward the castle as my fears fueled my urgency. Was I too late?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I walk in the courtyard in the beautiful morning. The sun was out and the birds were chirping. I loved animals. I took a seat beneath a beautiful Weeping Willow and began to sing. To sing a beautiful song that Prince Joey and I used to sing together before he disappeared. A little robin landed on my knee and began to sing along with me.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Name: Castiel Position: Is the princess' royal protector, always at her side to do any task she requires. He's part butler, part body guard, part baby sitter. Appearance: Ebony black hair, vibrant blue eyes, tall, tan skin, loyal to none but the princess..
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I let my whistles die away and look around skeptically. I had been traveling most of the night to reach what they called the Royal City. It really wasn't as wondrous as they said but it sure was cleaner then the Rebel. "Right," I say and head off toward the castle. Who knew what juicy information I could look up!
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I strode out into the courtyard where I had heard the princess was at. "Milady?" I called out softly.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I stopped singing and the robin flew away. I turned around to see Castiel standing there. " Oh, Castiel, you startled me. What is it?" I ask him softly
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel. I bowed in apology. "I apologize for disturbing you, but you really shouldn't wander off without me." It was my job, after all, to be by her at all times.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I sigh. " Castiel, must you always be with me? Sometimes I wish to be alone you know..."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "Can you hear the people sing, Singing the song of angry men," I hummed on with the tune as I headed into the palace ground. Perching up my hearing a bit I noticed two voices in the distance. "People." I say with a happy little laugh. I duck behind a bush and see if I could get a better look.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I bowed in apology once more. "I cannot. It is my duty to protect the princess from all."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "A Princess." I whisper to myself from my hidy-hole. "What luck!"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I hear a noise and turn to it. I could just see someone. " Castiel!" I point to the spot that I see the person.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I snatched the creeper by the scurf of their shirt and lifted them up. "What are you doing here?!" I bellowed in anger.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I watch Castiel grap the intruder my the scruff. Oh god, who is he!?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "Oi! Let me down!" I say wiggling my feet trying to get free. I stop wiggling and glare at the tall figure. "See here, What nerve you've got lifting a poor child off his feet!"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Castiel: I glowered at the boy. "You are stalking the royal princess." I snarled.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: He was but a boy, but I did not like him. I did not trust him from the first glance. " Who are you?" I demand
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: "No such thing," I say narrowing my eyes, I start to wiggle again, "Let me down you brute!"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I pick the hem of my dress and walk over to them. " Who are you?" I ask again