Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Joey: I shrugged his arm off of me. "Yes, yes, I know how the courts work, beleive me, I've had my share of them. And anyways, I've come looking for you, because I hate them, all of them, every fake sorry excuse for a person back at the courts. I want to join your rebellion, and trust me, I want to see the kingdom fall just as much as you do."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: "As much as me?" I laughed, "No, see I'm Loki. My father, a viking sort, owed Loki his life. Loki of course is the norse goddess of chaos. What's more chaotic than a civil war against the victourus rebs? Besides, they claimed the sea ways, rendering the viking way of life, the viking culture illeagel, and punishable by law. Those are my kin, my people, my way of life, when I was twelve my father pointed to a whole forest and said "Chop it down", and I did! We're hard working people, and I'm a my hard work is forged in a deep black fire of my hatred of this empire. You don't know how deeply I hate the empire, kid. I suggest you use another means of exageration. But I can use you, if you're not a spy that is. I shall get you outfitted, and offically sworn into the Killers of Kings."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Joey: I tilted my head and looked at him strangely. "You did not have to hear, have to see how disgusting every one of them were every single day of your life, with their lessons of "victory" forced down your throat. You did not have to watch them celebrate whenever more people died, and you were not expected to celebrate with them. We both have our reasons,but don't underestimate mine." I stepped off my horse, which was a solid black mare, and said, "But I was openly seeked out your forces, so I'm ready to join you now. I think you'll find that I'm a great bit of help seeing as I know tthe courts and the people in them like the back of my hand."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: "Good, a soldier already ready to go. Follow me, and I'll show you around. Of course I'll get you outfitted, and ofically sworn in." I gestured my hand, "So, what's your name?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I had finished rummaging around the dead bodies and was on my way back when I happened upon Loki, leader of our rebel, and some unknown male. I place myself in their way and look him over suspiciously before turning to Loki, "He's a bit to pretty for a rebel." I point out evenly, "Ma'am (Sir?), I've gathered what I can from the battle field. Weapons, medicine, and other things." I hold up the bag full of crap and smile, "Suppose I'd be willin' to give it to you... I'd like a little something in return." ---- Eponine: I finally spot Gavroche and storm over in a rage, "Gavroche you little-" I spot our company and turn to stare them down. One Loki and the other a blonde male, I blush and nod my head in greeting. "He's a tyrant. My apologies."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: Shook my head, and sighed. "I must be leaving." I informed, "Nice day."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Joey: "Wait! My name is Joey. Mind telling me where it is that your going, exactly?" I looked around, I hadn't the slightest clue where the base camp of operations was. I suppose if worse came to worse I could look around until I found it, however if it was well hidden that could take hours.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: "To HQ." I answered, "We gotta get you into the army, trained, and serving quickly. So, Joey, how good are you with a blade? And of course, what's your weapon of preffered choice?" I slowed down so he could catch up, and we procceded to HQ a tall, proud castle of no windows but three balconies.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Hortensia: I continued to walk through the piling up snow. My bow strapped to my back with arrows and my sword in my belt. I had to find the rebellion before I froze to death. Just then I see a group of people by some shelters. I hid behind a tree, my social skills were never the best, I was shy yet fierce. I waited behind the tree, maybe they'd notice me and offer me shelter, if not they would most likely kill me. So I waited.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Name: Helios Van Helsing Sex: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Helios has a slightly muscular, slender build. He's a shade over six feet tall. Girls would find him attractive, in a rougish sort of way, if he bothered to show his face. Helios has neck length, unruly crimson hair that he lets go wild, often letting it cover his eyes, face and ears, as well as stick up in odd places. His eyes are a smoldering amber. Diamond stud piercings he got when he was 14 are in both ears. Bio: Helios is a b*****d child. The unwanted product of a nobleman and his mistress. Abandoned due to shame, he always had a sense of loneliness. Helios was always alone due to his looks, however he didn't care too much. Being good at climbing on things, he'd go up onto the rooftops at night to enjoy the peacefulness when he couldn't sleep. Out of concern for the well being of the common man, Helios joined the rebellion. His skills at trap making, agility, endurance and stamina are what keeps him alive. Personality: Helios is mostly quiet, preferring to look and listen than to speak. When he is in a joking mood he'll tell sarcastic jokes, but hardly anyone gets them because of his serious looking face. He has a habit of biting his thumb when excited, anxious, or otherwise intrigued. He has a sugar addiction, always eating some form of sweet or candy. While he seemed serious and unapproachable, he only wishes to help people for the sake of helping them.

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Random Reb Soldier 01: I was patroling thinking of the sweet meed Juniper makes, and how red the berries seemed. I was until I found, her. Hiding in snow it seemed, lucky I found her in time. "Hay! You girl!" I shouted, running to her aid
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Hortensia: I quickly look up and see a soldier running towards me. I panic and scramble to my feet. It isn't like to be to frightened, but when someone suddenly rushes towards you in a calm place, you panic.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: A soldier was rushing to the aid of a girl stuck in the snow. I hung back in case they were hostile.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Random Reb Soldier: "For devine's sake woman, get up!" I exclaimed, reaching out my hand, "Why are you here... and who are you?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Hortensia: I cringe at his grip and just look at him. " I-I'm Hortesia... I'm looking for-for the rebellion..."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: That girl, she was searching for the rebellion?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Random Reb soldier: "I'd ask if your trip was pleasent, but..." I started to joke, "But nevermind. I'll show you to Loki."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Hortensia: T-Thank you... The soldier leads me into the camp and I see another man standing there, just watching. Who was he?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: The soldier wasn't attacking so he must have been a rebel as well. "Wait," I tried to gain his attention. "Your with the rebels right?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Random Reb soldier 1: "Yeah, am I." I answered, suspicously, "You looking to join?"