Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: In a flash, I didn't hesitate to reach for my weapon. "Whose there! Show your face before I call the others."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: I dropped down and rubbed my head sheepishly. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you. I was just checking some traps I had laid before I tripped."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: Double take at the stranger. "Traps?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: "Yeah." I nodded. "For squirrels and the like."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: I almost laughed. "Squirrels? Good luck finding them in this time of season."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: Tch, empire scum. "Yeah, I know. I should be getting back to my hunting." I turn away to leave.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: I could let him off easily, noticing his attire, I assume that he's a rebel. I can't do much here, any hint of humor quickly left. However, there isn't any reasons to fight. Shiz. "You better not come back." I noted.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: I turned around, grinning. "And who's gonna stop me?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: I felt like my assumption was correct. Narrowing my eyes, I grasp the hilt of my sword in its sheath. "Take a look." I answered with certainty.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-"Ama?heeellooo are you in there?"I ask as I wave my hand in front of her face.she was staring off into space.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: "EH!? Oh, Sorry." I'd been day dreaming again, or maybe it wasn't a dream. A memory? No. I don't have those, but it felt so real. I was playing in field with a boy. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. "Scar? Have you ever felt like a part of you was missing?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: I stuck my tongue out at her. "Gotta catch me first!" And with that I bolted into the snowy woods.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-my heart clenches. "Every day of my life."I say solemnly."now do you know where a river is around here?"I ask.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: For some reasons it made my blood boil. Just who does he think he is, I thought bitterly. I found myself automatically fallowing after him.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: Heh, she thinks she can keep up with me? Like that'll happen. I'm faster, and more agile than most empires assassins. A simple foot soldier won't do nothing.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: I felt as if I would never be able too catch up with him. I hiss under my breath.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: What an idiot. Is she still trying to keep up with me?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Luna: I almost withdrawal my sword until another gust of wind possess the environment.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Helios: I double back, hoping the soldier gets lost.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: We're the same like that. We both want to know more about our past. "Um ya. Follow me." I lead Scar down to a river near the forest.