Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: I take the pin and growl, "Stupid idiot actually took Loki's mission," I grumble, "You two, come with me. We'll talk in a more secure place." I motion for them to follow and head back into Sal's.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: "Don't worry he made it out ok, but I would tell him to not go back. . .um the princess knows who he is."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "Stupid idiots going to get himself killed," I say, "Well I suppose it's the only way he's going to learn."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: "Does this mean you haven't seen him since he left?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "No. Gavroche does his own thing even if he's only 13," I say opening the door to my room, "Go on in."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: A flash of worry crosses my face. I walk into the room. It's about as nice as the barn I sleep in. There were wooden chairs and a few tables. I take a seat. "How do you find your brother?" I didn't want him going back to the castle.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Princess Alayziah: I smirk. Perfect. I sent one of my soldiers after her. Now we'll know where the Rebellion is.    Taiz: I follow the little maid that my Princess has sent me after. She wants to know where the Rebellion is just as much as I do. I shall do this for her even if it means facing death.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-i take the seat next to Ama.I had jest sat down when jack let out a barely audible bark to anyone but me."excuse me for a moment. "I say.I sneak out the back door and find a soldier peeking in at Ama and Eponine. "Didn't anyone tell you it's not nice to stare."I say.he gasps and whips around to face me.I draw him away from the window. He swipes at me with his blade which I easily dodge.when he plunges forward I side step and grab his wrist.I twist the sword out of his hands and then grab it and plunge it into his throat.I make my trademark three scarlett scars across his cheek. Jack drags the body to the smoke house.I set the body on fire and cremate it.I like a clean job when I can manage it.I go back to outside the window and use some water to wash the blood from the grass.I wash off my hands and sit down at the table inside."keep alert"I whisper to Jack.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I watch Scar take his set next to me. He looks almost nervous the way the prince was when he ran away. "What happened?" I could tell this had to do with the princess again.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Taiz: I followed the girl until she finally stopped at a camp.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-"nothing I just had to take jack out."I lie.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: I watched his eye contact. "I've been lied too before. You can tell me the truth okay? It's better than me being in the dark about this kinda stuff. What happened out there?"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "He took care of one of the people tailing you, missy." I say, "I spotted them when I first sought you out but I figured I'd wait until later to take care of them.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Ama: "This isn't good... You can't take me to the headquarters!" I say urgently, "The Princess hates me and the rebellion and he's looking for the prince! We need a decoy!"
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "Calm down, sugar." I say waving my hands, "I'm not going to bring you to HQ. Newbies never meet Loki, you'll get your orders through me and stay here."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-"A Im a girl actually B yes I did take care of him and C where are we going to find a decoy?"I ask.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "A. Pull you hood down and I won't mistake you for a boy, B. You guys aren't going anywhere, C you don't need a decoy." I grumble as I roll my eyes, "Just stay here until I'm done with work alright."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-"fine."I say,"I pull down my hood to reveal my mud streaked face.with the hood on or off you still cant see my face.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Eponine: "Take a bath while i'm gone," I comment, "If someone from the Rebel drops by you'll want to make a good impression."
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Scar-i sigh."I can't actually it's a complicated matter."I say