Roleplay X : Forum : The Civil War of Keevra

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The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

This is a dark, and scary time for Keevra the land ruled by an empire. Recently this empire was overthrown by a group of rebels which promised more freedom, opprotunity, and power for the common man. Well, it was all lies. The rebellion only offered more power, and not to the common man, only to the wealthy men. So a new rebellion has been formed and the old rebellion which was re-named after they were well set in power, "Empire di nuovo" is trying to crush the rebellion known as the "Killers of Kings" which is making it plenty hard for the common folk to make a living in a harsh economic state, hard for them to feel safe in a second civil war where fights might break out ANYWHERE, and even harder to be happy in such a grim time.   Character bio: Loki the hunter of royalty. She is the leader of the "Killer of Kings", and very passionate about her role in the rebellion. She is rather blood thirsty, and vengance driven. You see, she was a former leader of the "Empire di nuovo" back when they were the rebs, but when she found out how corroupt the new found arostochrasy supposedly for the people was she started a new rebellion, and swore she'd drink each of the leader's blood from her her claws in front of their eyes as they breathed their last breath.  Appearance: She has gray eyes, short red hair, and is mostly slim. Her nails are long, and sharp which is why they are mostly reffered to as claws. Which also, with her incredable stealth earned her a nickname, "Cat". Her teeth are very well kept, and she appears to have long, very sharp fangs as well.    Misc. Loki was fittingly named Loki after the norse god of chaos because her father, a former viking, owed Loki the soul of his mightiest off spring. Loki is his only offspring, but she is the mightiest woman in all the land. When she was young, her folks were former vikings, or delt with vikings. So her folks never stoped piling work on her, made her stronger. She was chopping trees down at 12, and now at 35 she's chopping down a deadly poisonous government that trapped all of Keevra within it's jaws.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

awsome rp topic! :D now we just gotta get some more people
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Thank you, I am rather expirenced at creating rp threads. :) So, you wanna join?
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

sure ive put my character in another thread, what place does the rp start in
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Here. This thread. See, here to limit confusion, a thread for a specific story will open, and all of it's many settings shall be shown here in it's thread. It's alot less confusing!
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

i figured that i meant the place in the story XD
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Character: Gavroche; he is a young boy (age 13) whom is on the side of the rebels. He is the leader of the young children of the rebellion and is referred to as the Fearless Pup. Appearance: If you've seen the movie Les Miserable, that's what he looks like. if not then he is short and skinny (underfed), constantly dirty. He usually wears blue jacket with white pants and a dirty shirt, along with a pin of the revolution. ---- Character: Eponine (also from Les miserable) she is an older young girl (17 or 18) who is rather brave and emotional (very passionate). Appearance: (Les Miserables if you'd like a visual) if not she tan, beautiful, and has brown hair. ---- I just suggest you good their images.  
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Oh, uhm idk, really. It starts wherever I guess, it's safe to assume Keevra
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

name: Joey
position: Is the son of the king, but... there's more to him than meets the eye. He's a rebel, literally, on the side of the rebels, but doesn't know how to join them. Hates his dad, the king, and wants his kingdom to fall. Has given money to supply the rebels before, but now he wants real action, he wants in.
Appearance: Dusty blond hair, light blue eyes, tall, tan skin, but not too tan, snarky personality. Has a serious problem with authorities.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Name:no one knows her real name except her but she has earned the nickname Scarlett or scar due to the number of scarlett colored scars she has left on the bodies she has killer and murderer, she grew up alone in the forest after her parents were killed during the first rebellion.she was raised in the perilous jungle by the creatures that lived there and has a soft spot for animals .powers:she is a master in every fighting skill and weaponry known to man and can communicate and control every creature in creation.she has not yet joined the rebellion although she wants to.she just doesn't know how to...Appearance :always being on the run she is always covered in dirt and mud so no one has ever seen her actual face or lived long enough to tell anyone about it.but when clean she is the most beautiful person in the land but anyone who has tried to court her has met a brutal death.she is built for speed,strength, and skill.she is very strong, smart, and fast.the only company she keeps is a male northern modor wolf.mordor wolve's fur and eyes change Color with mood.she healed him after he fell from a waterfall and almost died from blood loss and he has been her companion ever since.she calls him Jäeck which means strong blood, but she calls him Jack
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

alrighty then, I'm going to start.

Hunting in the woods, a royal past time I'd grown accustomed to and enjoyed... or, that was my cover, at least. People, nobels in my court have been dying for "mysterious reasons". I'll let you in on a dirty little secret, those "reasons" are me.
Yeah, that's right, I'm a one-man rebel in a court of other nobles, and guess who I am? The son of the king... ironic, right?
I pulled the arrow head out of Albert's chest, my third cousin, wouldn't want people getting too suspicious, would I? My father thinks I'm at violin practice with Margy, but the truth is... I'm leaving this palace with my horse, Starlight, and I'm never coming back.
I'm going to find the rebels and I'm going to join them.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

 Loki: I looked from the balcony of our headquaters. Keevra's strongest support for the rebels come from here, Nostovia. A cold, beautiful land on a rocky plain. It's only cold because it's up north. The people here are bold enough to support another rebellion after the last. Everywere else seems to be mixed except the areas near here, and at the empire's homeland are the supporters same as us. I breathed deeply taking in the cold air of the northen land of Keevra, the finest air in all of Keevra. I needed to step out for a minute, my men were smoking pipe and the smoke was agitating my eyes. I ask them not to except after we've gotten out of a battle well fought. Which we did, we had just fended off an ambush on our way back. I go with all my special teams when I give them a rather important task. Which of course this time I did. They were to set traps for the "royal" carriage supposedly carrying a king with some family. Ha, not after the traps we set, though we were ambushed. Empiral scouters I think, either way we masacured the large amount of 'em, and now we're back home. Which all of this recaping reminds me, I need to talk to the court here. I need to make the people well aware of where the rebs are, and the reqirements for joining. An arrow in your quiver for the empire, a sword waiting to taste the blood of the empire, and a willing spirit to die not for honor but for Keevra.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Gavroche: I wiggle through a small opening in the jumble of junk that blocked the street and flashed a mischievous grin when I hear my sister call my name then head to the battle grounds. The people had blocked off the streets so that the royal soldiers couldn't get into the city but it made it difficult not for the city folks to then get out and check the bodies. Make sure that no more soldiers lived. However, I was tiny so it was easy for me. Quite dangerous, but easy. ----- Eponine: I twirled in a circle. Hadn't Gavroche been right here next to me just a moment before? 'Gavroche!" I called and curse, "Blast him." I turn and spot the barricades. He must have crossed over to check the battle grounds but they hadn't cleared the battle grounds as safe just yet. I sigh and head to the only opening to head for the battle grounds. That sprout was going to cause me to have a heart attack.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

I move a strand of dusty blond hair out of my eyes, damn wind! It felt like it was blowing a hundred miles an hour.
Here in northern Keevra, it was always cold, and the ground was often coated in a layer of snow. I had caught of word of a rebel forces camp being nearby, and I was on my way to finding them. Gossip travels fast at the royal court, and right before I left I had heard of a massacre upon many of my father's soldiers. I smiled at the thought.
I stopped my horse, Starlight, and looked around. The rebels had to be around here somewhere.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Name: Hortensia Parris Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Silver Age: 17 Other Features: Light Brown Skin, Her Hair is So Straight it Looks Like a Team of Stylists Went Mad Over it. Hortensia is on the rebels side. She's a beautiful girl, tall, and well built. Hortensia is stronger than any 17 year old girl in the rebellion. She usually wears a plan black tanktop with a short dark jean jacket with dark jean short shorts and hightop high heels that she can run in like mad. Hortensia hates the King and wants them to perish in flames. She has a scar on her right shoulder. Hortensia is a master fighter with a sword, bow and arrow, and physical, no one has ever beat her. She grew up on her own with parents who joined the King. Hortensia used to live in a beautiful palace with everything she could ever want, but when her parents joined the evil king she left it all behind to join the Rebellion.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Hortensia: I slowly walked through the deep snow. It was very cold and all I had was a denim jacket that didn't even go down to my waste. I was on the run from the King and my parents, who join him. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew is I wanted to find the Rebellion and join them.  I continued to walk until I saw someone stand with a beautiful horse. The boy standing there had dusty blonde hair. Is he with the Rebellion? Or is he a spy of the King? I had to know  so I crept closer.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: Before I spoke to the royal king, I visted the patrol routes of my men. Not only did the court here was the first to officaly branch away from Keevra, but they hired us as a sell-army to support us, and give us a home. It was cold, snowy, but paying us to stay. "Lovely, more snow." I sighed, "The air is nice, cold, crisp, but this snow is as hard to walk in as it is to look away from it's beauty." As I was checking in at the stables I saw a boy, blonde hair, cold eyes, and it seems a resemblance to one of the kings... The most important tyrant, and as lore goes he had a wife that gave birth to what are supposed be ge great fighters of a sort with a firey spirit too. Fitting, he did, though he only made it worse. I rolled my eyes, then came back. All this thinking, and such quite silence fell. "You!... On the horse." I called, "Are you lost? Perhaps looking for shelter of a sort?" I had a plan, and if he was a royal child then he'd be in a world of pain assuming he was a supporter of the empire.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Alice: i stood in the pile of junk, looking around me. "Gavroche? Eponine? Hey guys where'd you go?" I sighed, just like me to get distracted by a stray kitten. I scooped up the black cat and wondered headed toward the streets. no doubt were in for trouble again.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Joey: "Lost? Hardly, perhaps you've heard of me. I'm Joey, son of the king of Keevra... I assume you are a resistance leader?" It was a challenge.
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Re: The Civil War of Keevra

11 Years Ago

Loki: "Yeah?" I nodded, "I recognized. See, I'm the rebellion leader, kid. Your father and his freinds aren't making good on their word. Keevra's original comunistic government was tons better, but freedom, power, those promises to the common man sounded sweet. But it was all lies, so now we're here to install democracy, so all shall be better for every man, not just a group of men." I put my hand on his arm, "I am the hunter of royalty, kid. If you're with your father than today shall be your last."

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