Role Play
broken bonds
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*grins slightly and follows into the forest thinking to himself about everything that has happened and this...this strange and gifted follower he had gained* " how well do you know these woods they where never servaied by our scaning teams too little of vaule in them as well as interfearance from the damping filed but its getting dark we need a place to rest this sector gets very very cold at night
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" I know and yes I do know then this is where I have been stay for a little bit" smiles at him and we walk in till we reach a walked down path and it goes to a small house" here we are" opens the door and goes in only to then light one of the candles" it is not much but it is what I have so far"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*looks around for a moment and sets my pack on the floor by a chair* it might not be much but it will defiantly do and keep us safe *pulls out a small heater from the pack and sets it on the floor id imagine we would be safe here for a long time they stopped fire bombing forests like this one early in the war took too much resources away from the front lines *sits by one of the candles and looks at you* how long have you been liveing out here and in the streets how long has it been sence you left your family.
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" I left them when they where killed in front of me... your people lined then up in a row and had me watch.. when they where done I snapped and I killed them with my fathers gun" I hold it out again and I set all my other weapons down on the table" the dagger was my mothers and the throwing star was my sisters ,mine was the sword.. I was able to get away with there weapons and I have been hiding from place to place I have been her for the mostly half a year I have been the one stopping some of your fights / battles knowing your every move and others of your kind but also most of my kind as well.. I sneak around in down and get in to places and or get it out of people" I set down and closes my eyes some tired .. I get some stuff in a box I have to clean and wrap my cut on my arm
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoat least you got to know your parents *reaches down to my boot and pulls out daggers setting them on the table before taking both boots off* " from as far back as i could remember i was poked and proded around by scientists they installed implants all thoughout my body waiting for one to kill me like all others before and none did so now im this cursed killing machine which is almost as far from being human as i could possibly get. just look at what i wear special combat armor crafted just for me loaded down with sensors holster blades the latest in technology... we where trained to ignore emotions they used stimulates on us to suppress them they didn't plan on my body and implants rejecting whatever they injected me with so instead i was beaten down into subordination taught and programed through my cybernetics to obay orders *pulls out both pistols and sets them down on the table* i was trained to use whatever was at hand to be creative but i guess they never figured i would be doing this *looks over at you* here let me help *takes a skin patch from a med kit and places it over your wound* this will help the healing process also will fight off any should get rest
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoLooks at you a little sadden and then I look away and gets up" I will be fine I am used to not a lot of sleep even with being hurt since i have been on my own for so long.. I am used to light sleeping and any way you should also get some sleep or if you what we could keep talking" I get up and grabs one of my books I have in a pile then I set back up
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago"i can go along time without sleep and food the implants keep my body alive what is it your reading if you dont mind me asking" now sitting back in the chair on the opposite side of the table*
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago"It is a book more on survival for the out door more I am trying to find a better way for making a building or cabin and on top of that finding plants for healing, I have been gown up knowing fighting so I keep trying to learn on my own"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoreally *looks around the house* well i have to say for what you have to work with its not at all bad but id reinforce the main supports one high yield concussion grenade in this room would blow the walls out and the roof down on us *reaches into my pack and pulls out two small steal survival cups twisting the base of each* its not the best tea available but its at least something warm to drink *pulls off the covers of both caps and sets one infront of you* you look like you could use something your really tired tomorrow most of the city should be emptied it was only a raid and destory mission we can scavenge for metal and materials then. make this place alittle stronger"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" thank you for the tea and I guess we can do that then" smiles at him and I set the book down and only to sip at the tea " so I guess then I should get some sleep so I can help you in the morning with everything"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago* a small smile crosses my lips* yes you should *hands you a blanket from one of the packs* il stay up and keep watch i can go about 4 and a half days before i need to rest you know sitting here like this almost makes me feel normal again.... but i digress the important thing is that your rested take that heater if you need it temperatures have been getting even lower.
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" okay.. and thank you.. it is shocking on how we both are even though we are from different side.. but thanks you for the kindness and having me stay it have been some time before I had that" takes the blanket and one of the candles and I go lay on the couch that I have gotten and slowly fell asleep.. only to starts having some nightmares of my past and moves around in my sleep
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*watches her from the table and talks softly to myself* night terrors glad to see im not the only one who has them *walks over to her and opens a container from the pack and waves it infront of her nose lulling her back into a relaxed sleep* two different sides yet so similar *moves a strand of hair from her face and places it behind her ear causeing her to roll over but not awake* sigh i just hope that i dont get you killed *walks back over to the table and starts to take apart and clean the pistols insureing they where ready for morning*
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago I open my eyes and slowly and wakes up when the sun is shown on my face.. yawns and starches some and sits up looking around and I smile when I see him sitting at the table " morning"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*a faint smile runs across my face before he looks over at her* morning the night was quiet and i cleaned our weapons for today but im sure your going to need food unfortunately all we have are Field rasons but its better than nothing" and at about 4:08 this morning a portal was opened and closed about 10 mins latter from the main capital building of the city we attacked meaning they got the portal generator back online and most likley have all left as i said a quick raid and destory mission
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" ok" okay and that is fine for food" smiles at him and gets up only to go and sit at the table grabbing the food and slowly eats it thinking" so besides that how was your night I mean as in being here and everything I know it is not much but it is kinda like a home for me right now.. and it is nice having you around"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoim thankful that you allowed me to stay.. you had night terrors iv got a gel that the sent of it removes dreams from the sleep cycle it helped you sleep...its a nice little house and i cant say i didnt enjoy watching you sleep it reminds me that there is more out there than just death and war there can be peace as well other than that it was a really quiet night something also forgen to me when ever i would return from a mission for rest cycles there would always be a mechanical hum or machinery monitoring me
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago"yup and thank you with the whole sleep thing.. I have never really stopped dreaming of when my family was killed... also it is always quit out here besides when you get the animals but they don't come out much when there is a new person out here with me.. there is a pack of wolves that I have watched and they come every now and then to say hi"Smiles at him and then I get up and gathers all of my weapons looks at then as I put them back in to place" thank you for cleaning them because I have not ben about to fully do it and they look brand new like the day I left the house"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agodont worry about it iv found that a clean weapon is an effective one *returns all weapons to where they where on myself as the pistols make a distinctive click locking into the holsters.* where should we start today and those papers you gathered where are they we never got a chance to look at them i downloaded some information into my armor's data banks but its very fragmented.
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoI go and gets the papers out of my bag and bring them to the table" here they are and I am going to go and get us a meal for the next few days if you don't mine I should be back in like a hour or so unless you what to come with me we could get more then what I bring back since I don't know how much you eat" I turn and walks over to the door