Role Play
broken bonds
broken bonds11 Years AgoFor a time the three worlds lived in harmony Kelos a thriving nearly utopian city plant. the whole plant was no bigger then a moon but was all one large city split into districts that built buildings high into the sky. Cemaros known by many as the middle land there was little technical development here but a massive amount of plant life and biogenic processes it was as if the whole plant was alive one large creature inhabited by a small group of none aggressors known as the guardsmen who unfortunately due to there passive nature where the first to fall they where killed, enslaved, torchered to gain information about how the plant worked. Final Keloron a massive world bent on the advent of military actions and technology the other worlds relayed on them for strength and protection. these three worlds where joined by an energy rift that naturally occurred on Cemaros but was harnessed and focused to make portals on the other worlds discovered by accident by their top scientists. no one quite remembers how the war got started just that the Keloronians felt the need to expand doing so has nearly destroyed all three worlds cities lay in ruins fields of Cemaros lay littered with the dead solders of both worlds and the wreckage left behind. My name or should i say my designation is ST-432 i was the first successful merging of man and machine i am enhanced with implants throughout my body covered by some of the most advanced regenerative armor avaiable taken as a child never knowing my routes i was born with one purpose to kill and do it effectively. the Kelorn military thinks they control me but no body controls me and soon they shall all learn the price of war i will end it for both dead or alive this hundred year war will end by my hands....
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoMu name is black wolf I am from the Kelos but in heart I am not with them.. I am more of a free rain and equal personality when it come to all the fighting but I will step in if I need to protect the ones I love. but that is so few on this day because so many have died. I am off on my own and I have no home I just wonder the streets or the towns living off what I can
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoAnother city was attacked in Kelos i lead and spearheaded the assault it was quick and effective within 4 hours the whole city had fallen as i looked over the devastation from what was left of a capital building i placed both my pistols back in there holsters on my legs i cant help but wonder was this all worth it within three days they would just try a counter attack and most likely cause a lot of damage in the process. a thought crossed my mind one that often did why did i survive the testing when all others had failed and for some reason i felt the need to look though some of the past destroyed cities almost like there was a clue to my life there but i quickly snapped out of my emotional state there was still work to be done
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- look around the tree I am hiding behind my hand on my gun and the other with a dagger in it trying to keep the fighting down if I can but knows it is not working.. as I set little traps from place to place I stay to the shadows and keep an eye on the person leading the attack
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*talking into wrist mic* assault team 68 reporting in the city has fallen but something doesn't seem right i dont know what it is, its almost like we are still being watched request seek and destroy drones be deployed and sweep the streets *Keloron tank explodes* negative ordering drones be sent friendly tank destroyed possabily left over anti tank mines but i want to be sure. ( voice from mic) agreed drone in route ETA 5 mins. *looks back over the city* there is something or someone out there i know there is and they will not be getting away from me
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- I move form my spot only to stop seeing dorns walk over my way I go jump and rolls under some remains off a house and I stay still trying to stay quite.. I aim and I take one out only then to go still again keeping my ears open
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago(voice though mic interrupts me during thought) Sir we have just lost a drone in gamma sector shall we send in a unit to find out what happened. "negative it is possible that survivors are forming rebel groups and attacking in gorilla warfare style attacks i am not haveing a repeat of Lincaro city we lost too many men in that battle contact long range artillery batteries 1-5 tell them to load high explosive rounds....and level all of gamma sector have units surround the area set weapons to stun and use none lethal tactics i want prisoners alive.
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- I shoot the other one and then I take off running keeping out of the lights and coming thing.. I enter the trees and I hid in one. panting and trying to so I don't make any nosic.. only to think about everything and I go still hearing walking
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agovolley after volley of artillery shells level the entire gamma sector. i walk over to see the wreckage. "report solder." sir we lost contact with one more of our drones before the shells came down we have a few prisoners 3 solders 4 civilians that didn't make it out of the city before we attacked. "hmmm interesting line them up in a row i want answers and i am going to get them put them in view of the forest there is some type of interference blocking our senor scans but i feel like there is something there and i know how to get them out if there is these Kelos people far too attached to each other not to care.
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- I hear what is going on and I watch my hand griping my dagger and the other my gun I sneak up more in the shadows and watch's only to growl some seeing how they have people lined up.. I hold up my gun and I line up a shot at some more solders and then I go still only to then I try the leader of the group" wolf what are you doing" whispers to my self and I get up in another tree only to brake a branch an I go till only then to move and try to hide as best as I can
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*hears the branch snaps and looks in that direction* hmmm it appears that i was right after all. *shouting out into the woods* well well well it appears some people are more stubborn then others tell me do you enjoy seeing your people die all it would take is you surrendering to me and all of your lives will be spared. i could lunch nerve gas rounds into those woods so strong it would kill every living thing." *evil grin* but this is far more fun *pushes a few buttons on my wrist and shoots a dart into one of the prisoners who then falls moveing around in deep pain* look at what you have caused this nero toxin has no cure and is one of specal blend death is very slow and very painful the posion spreads from nerve cluster to nerve cluster the eyes are dissolved and essentially they die very slowly there body eats its self from the inside out a slow 8 min death tell me do the others have to suffer her fate as well? that is in your hands *whispers into mic* sniper teams take aim and stand by
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- growls some seeing what he has done and I jump down and walk out my eyes a bright light blue and I am wearing clothing form both side I have dirt and grim covering me and I put my gun away and I pull out my sword" then why do you hurt people that do not need to be why do you go around killing people.. that I do not get.... what is the point of killing to you if not to fallow orders" looks at the people form the town" let them go and fight me but do not hurt them or I will kill you personally.. I do not care what side you are on " I look right into his eyes mine showing no fear or emoshion
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoso all this effort for just one lonely scavenger *pulls out one of my pistols and shoots the poisoned prisoner putting them out of their misery* but i have to say you do have a point *pushes a button and the buildings behinds me where the sniper teams where explodes then i pull out my other pistol quickly turning and shooting the remaining solders guarding the prisoners* if you want to live go running now as far as anyone knows we all died here there was an explosion of unknown cause no one made it out alive. if i didnt make it look convincing they would never beileve me for far too long i have tried to fake my death but make no mistake get in my way and i will kill you *i turn and start to slowly walk away*
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf- I look at him stun and then I run up to him" do not kill me please.. I have been a lone for some time and I do need some help if you do not mind I can help you I know how to help you fake your death"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoi turn around to see her and stop* you dont realize how lucky you are the way they created me i cant die not easly anyway iv been shot stabbed and set on fire so many times and all i can do is regenerate my self it can be a curse anyway i was raised and created to kill and do it well my back was turned i was half expecting you to shoot me a few well placed shots might actually do it doubt it but its worth a try your not the only one who has been alone i never knew my parents i am expected to follow orders that i have long sence dissargeed with hell i would take down the whole Kaleron millitary but they coverd there a*s well whenever i am in a Kaleron base they can trigger a kill switch stopping me dead in my tracks but i have no interest in killing you youv got heart
Re: broken bonds11 Years AgoBlack wolf-" well that is very interesting.. sire.. but if you have not realized I may be form the other side but I fight for both in away.. I do not like the fighting I want it to stop there is no reason behind it if you think about it" sighs some and I keeps walking with him" and if you what to fight with me to see how I am then fine I will fight but please I am asking would you take me with you I cant stand being alone anymore and on top of that I have no money or food and I have been living on the streets for two weeks what I have is all that I have been giving or had before your kind killed my family then on top of that when I went to go ask for help my own family besides my family shot me out because of the lines of power I was in" stop talking realizing I said something I don't what people to know
Re: broken bonds11 Years Agoline of power you say as tempting as it is to do away with you i suppose we have both been alone for too long and though some tough times youv got heart like i said and i need that kinda person to fight beside me together maybe we could bring an end to this war..
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago"maybe and thank you" smiles at him some " so what do we need to do to make sure you r dead fully"
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago*a faint smile runs across my lips* i was made with a self destruct built into my armor when it detected that i was gone past recovery it would blow insuring no one got the technology i have but this area has a naturally occurring damping field around it so they wont beable to easly scan for my remains also why our tactical bombers couldn't level the place almost like it was ment to be like i was meant to die here. your going to need weapons food medicine stuff to help us hide i can survive alot longer than you can thanks to what they did to me come on i know where we can find a supply post.
Re: broken bonds11 Years Ago" okay and then we are going to disappear I know a place out in the woods no one goes to hide and there is a old house there" I tell him and I think about what he said" so what r u fully then just out or wonder if you do not mind"