Role Play
The Great Elven Division
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years Ago"That," I tell her with a sarcastic smile "is none of your buisness." I shoulder the bundle and head for the uncharted plain.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-"trust me i understand,"I say,"if you don't mind me asking ,where are you even going?"I ask.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years Ago"Through the plains, into the desert, and I'll figure it out from there." I reply briskly "Why does it matter to you? Wait, don't answer that, I don't have time for it." I keep walking, going as strait as possible, there were only a few maps of the plains, and they showed only a few passages, one of which I was searching for.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-"you'll find that i don't obey people very well,"I reply,"It matters to me because i recently got in some trouble with some people and i can't stay here anymore and i'd rather not travel alone."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: Once I had had my bath and was dressed in fresh clothes I wandered through the castle. I was still worried about my people. I was, after all, their Lady. Almost like a Princess to them and in fact most people did call me the princess of the forest, a title that gave me great honor. If they could not look to me for their protection, then who could they look too? I found myself a good balcony and looked out over the spans of the plains in the direction of the forests and fidgeted unhappily with my sleeve.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoBerendir- The rest of us came to the stables after we had gathered everyone up, since some of us had been separated in the fight. I dismounted from Anor and gave the reigns to the stable boy.----Caleliel- I had come back from my flight with Fëa. I walk down the halls until I see a girl on one of the balconies. I walk over. "Excuse me but who are you?" I ask kindly.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: My eyes flicker away from the horizon and glance at the girl before looking back, "Gilrin." I say a bit to depressed to properly introduce myself. If this girl was anyone special or of power she might recognize me as the Lady of the forest but she might not.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoCaleliel- "Gilrin....Ah yes! I remember now. The Lady of the Forest am I correct?" I say.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "Mmmm..." I say as I turn away from the horizon and look her over, "May I inquire where you are?"
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years Ago"Well," I tell her "I'd rather travel alone."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshra-"well,if you ever want to make across the plain you're going to need help,no matter how tough you are."I explain,"there are things out there that would give even the bravest of warriors nightmares,from just looking at them."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoI've already crossed it twice, each time alone." I stress the last word "I'm one of those that give the nighmares nightmares, I think I'll live."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoCaleliel- I smile. "I am Caleliel and I live here in the castle, tending to it and helping Lord Dachian when I can."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "I don't expect that happens much," I say when I think of how his reaction when he saw me out in the battle field, "He seems to be a very traditional man." it was true. He had taken over the Kingdom and seemed to believe that woman probably belonged inside the castle tending children instead of taking care of business of state. If he continued in that direction it was very doubtful that we would get along.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: If The G&O Confederation wants Bolgion the cruel to win, then they must be planning something huge... that I can't just sit back and watch happen. With lord Kynith at my service it should be possible, but I don't want them to have the slightest chance. "Lord Kynith!" I called, I knew he was around and sure enough he rushed into the room, "I acquire your assistance. Where did you learn your skill from?"
Kynith: "I learned how to be a warrior by undergoing goblin military camps when they were the United Goblin Providences." He explained, "I was the best, yet I felt I could be better so I learned from the elven militia camps. I owe my marksmanship to lady Glendíl though dead, honorabley in battle. Well, after serving my elven and goblin kind, I seeked more skill, and so I did find. High in the mountains, a secerate order taught me the war of mind, and mixed chemicals.." Dachian: "Do you think you can teach our men?" I asked. "In a year." He answered. "I'll have to accept." I replied, "Meet Húlion, he should be heading back now." |
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoI keep walking, hoping the girl would stop her twittering. I turn my mind to what I'd use the horns for *I could fashion a club, hammer, bow, darts, staff, or countless other weapons. Then again, I could always trade them, there's good money there, the provisions it'd get me would last a good while. Or, I could trade half and turn the other half into weapons, or, I could make them into weapons and sell them, at extra cost for the workmanship, of course.* I think for a moment *To bad many other people don't consider takeing their horns after you kill them. That's how the goblins do it. If they duel and one kills the other they take their victem's horns as a prize.* I smile *Watch someone think that the ones I killed were felled by their own kind, just because I hacked off their horns.*
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-"impressive,"i comliment.I then hear a loud explosion off in the distance.I whip around and sprint back to where i hid rain and ramil.I see my hut off in the distance and see smoke billowing where it used to be.I mount rain and we start back twards it.when we get there i see 2 mounted men and one has a wounded great eagle bound and slung over his shoulder,it is still breathing but barely.I whip out one of my throwing knifes and throw it hurling twards the first person, he is too slow and it lodges itself in his heart.the other is holding the torch and looks at me and says"a warning from the master..."He says but instead of finishing his sentence he gets a kife in the chest.I climb over the bodies full of hate.i see the wounded eagle ,so i pick it up and carry it over to the side of the hut.I grab an old bucket and carry it back and forth from the stream until the fire is out.I rummage through the rubble and find my first aid kit.Everything else has been destroyed.I take it over to the eagle and know that i have to save it.I bandage the wounds and give it some medicine.I thought i would have more time before the master found me.I put the eagle on rain's back and order ramil to leave it alone. I lead rain into the forest and i make a small shelter out of some wide leaves.Rain lays down and i take the eagle off her back.i slump down and rest my head on rain's back.the eagle is very large with beautiful golden feathers.I lay it down next to me.Ramil is on guard ,so i soon drift off to sleep.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoCaleliel- I smile. "He is in some ways. But it's not like I'm some Cinderella who's made to clean and take care of the castle." I say. "Whenever he needs me, I'm there to help."----Fea-* notices the smoke and then the shine of golden feathers on the ground near. Flies over to see a girl attending a hurt great eagle. It was a male great eagle, for they have the gold feathers while the females had brown like Fea. Walks over to the male eagle and nudges it slightly with beak.*
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoHulion: Kynith came riding, and met me as I was half way back to the castle. His horse was tall, white, and armored. "Lord Kynith, where are you riding too?" I asked, "What's wrong?!"
Kynith: "Dachian instructed me to teach the new recruits, and to talk with you." I answered, "He must be preparing for a war for the ages!"
Hulion: "You're mighty, Kynith lord of war, but can you teach?" I asked, "Our recruits can't waste too much time on training."
Kynith: "Only one way to find." I relpied, "Besides, if the GandO confederation wants a war I'll give them one, until the new recruits can too."
Hulion: I sighed, "Dachian knows what he's doing." I infromed, "He most likely has a grand scheme."
Boloigia: I stood at the front of my training camp. I have one, only need one. I "welcomed" the new recruits from the G&O confederation. "Welcome!" I said in a sarcastic tone, "To hell. Here, you'll be trained like true warriors! Sleep is for the week, and so is fancily dinning. We offer rewards. Proove your worth waisting a hardtack on, or anything else for that matter." I stood in front of the gates, I wanted to make it perfectly understood before they got inside. "So, as I said welcome to hell!". I laughed as I opened the gates
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I shrug, "Your King will learn of my strength in due time," I say as I clasp my hands behind my back after motioning for her to walk with me, "I did not earn the trust of my people for no reason after all. I have not always been Lady of Forest, at a time I was simply Gilrin Daughter of a great Lord. I earned my own title, as must he in my opinion." I look straight ahead as we walked slowly through the halls.