Role Play
The Great Elven Division
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I raise an eyebrow and block a goblin that's about to slice of this over righteous guys' head. "I'm not a citizen or just SOME Elf GIRL." I snap as I kick the goblin backward and thrust my sword into it's chest, "And I'm NOT returning." Twirling my sword I decapitate a approaching beast and then look at the man. Some Elven knight swept through with his men and eliminated an outstanding number of goblins. I slice the stomach of the last goblin and wipe a bit of blood off my face.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "If you're so important, who are you?" I asked, "And why are you here?" I saved her life, when I could've just saved my men.
Kynith: I was standing behind the king, sword sheethed. He'll have answers, but I'm also interested in the girl |
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I look at them both. "Lady Gilrin. Daughter of Belegornor, Lord of the Forest." I say cleaning my sword before I sheathed it, "And you are?" I raise an eyebrow to look between the two men.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoBerendir- I walk up to Gilrin, sheathing my sword when I notice who she's talking to. "My lady," I whisper to her. "I believe him to be King Dachian."----Caleliel- I sat there watching the sky with Fëa. I would have fought, being trained as I was, but I believe more in the possibility of peace. "War is what drove your kind away..." I say leaning against her side. She squawked out and I rub down her feathers again.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "I am Dachian, though my political status is up for debate." I answered, looking at her sword, "It's a shame we had to meet upon these circumstances. Please, acompany me on my back to the city, and I shall answer any questions you may have."
Kynith: "Debate!?" I exclaimed, "But your armor, it's the king's armor, how do you have it!?" Dachian: "I am the first air though I have a bit of a criminal past." I explained, "So now the elven kingdom's king is being fought for though it should be me, Our tradition agrees." Kynith: "Than I am to solve that problem as well." I replied |
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "Saesa omentien lle (pleasure meeting you)," I say in elvish looking over the other warrior, "Mani naa essa en lle? (what is your name?)" I inquire as I whistle to call Voronwer back to me and take hold of his reins. I look back at the king once while waiting for the other to answer my question. I would wait to judge this 'king' fully until I saw him rule. Not all that are born into greatness can still maintain it so it was wise of one to reserve judgment.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoKynith: I nodded, "I am honored as well." I replied, "Lle naa belegohtar." (You are a mighty warrior)
Dachian: I mounted my steed, and helped Kynith on. "Lle merna aut" (Shall we be going?) I asked, "If you're comming with us" |
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I give a slight nod and hoist myself up onto Voronwer's back, "Yes," I say tugging lightly at the reins so that Voronwer turns toward the city.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "So, what do you know of the goblins attacking?" I asked, "Had to have a reason to attack a key camp such as the one they did."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I shake my head and look off in the distance, "it worries me. If they dare attack such a big camp so close to the capital... then whose to say they have not or shall not attack places father away and less powerful. My people..." I let my worlds trail off as I think. My people were without a commander and with some of the top fighter not present. It would be disastrous if goblins were able to attack, even if most of our people were trained to fight. so many innocent people would be killed.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "It worries me as well." I replied, "My land is in a termoil over politics, a perfect time to take control...but why? There must be something big happening, something not even the GAndO Confederation can kill."
Kynrith: "Maybe, the G&O Confederation fear the elven kingdom, and see their opportunity." I inserted, "The elves, and goblins never got along, nor with orcs... because orcs and goblins want dominance instead of peace though the elven kingdom has always been so...strong."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "I suppose that could be it." I say, 'With the kingdom so torn it is clearly not as strong. They will take the opportunity to pillage what they can and bring us down more... So many innocence have died in the past when the Elves didn't rule. I'm afraid of it happening again." I shake my head in worry. The dark ages were not a good time.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "Possibly" I replied, "However they shan't succeed. The other rebellions may not live to see the G&O Confederation driven away, but I shall, and so shall my militia."
Kynrith: "I agree though the matter is, how? And how many shall we lose?
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "How many?" I repeat and give him a sad smile, "To many." we arrive in the castle and I dismount and dust off my clothes as best I can. I had ruined yet another set of riding clothes, father would be angry. I hand my reins to the stable boy and turn back to the others, waiting for them to do the same.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: I glanced at Gilrin's backside. "Until next time!"
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I nod and pause slightly turning back, "It was a pleasure." I say with a slight bow, "Until next time, My Lord." I then straighten and head toward the castle.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-"well,that was something," i say as i step out of the cover of the trees leaving ramil and rain out of sight,i stand in front of a girl my age who had finally dislodged her sword from a goblin head and was now breathing heavily from the battle,the rest of the soldiers had left and only she remained,"who are you?"I ask her.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years Ago"Someone who's tired of that question." I retort irritably, inspecting my blade. "I'm also someone who's getting a bandage, hacking off this thing's horns, and getting outta here." I clean the thin, lithe, silvery blade and sheath it as I walk. I filch a bandage and wrap my leg, then head to where I guess the stable had once stood. I sift through the ashes until I find an axe, then head over to the goblins I had felled, and hack off their horns. I gather them into a bundle and return the axe to it's place.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-"i bet you are,"i say,"with all those people gathering around for the fight i'm sure there were lots of people to ask you that,i'm just happy they're gone,and i bet you are too from the looks of it."I note that she is bleeding a bit and bruised"i'm guessing you had an encounter with the guards."I say remembering my first encounter,with them,i had been badly wounded from getting away and escaping into the forest,that was only a few months ago.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: I returned to my castle, and sat upon my throne. "Bogion, he must be in alliance with the G&O Confederacy." I thought, rubbing my chin, "If he does, than we need allies. More powerful than goblins, and orcs..."
Bogion: My vulture came back with another scroll. "Mighty Bogion" the letter greeted, "We have failed you. The high general of the G&O Confederacy was defeated. We fought till' the last man we had...but it made no difference. Though we took alot of their men." I threw the scroll, and stood in a rage. The G&O Confederacy is one of the mightest armies in all of the lands, and Dachian's army is one of the smallest! How could we have lost, with orcs and goblins on our side!? I got a new scroll, and began to write hastily. "Mugdul, the Goblin king" I adressed, "Your men fight like they belong in kitchens! please, send your men to my militia training camps, so we can get Dachian out of the way, and the elven kingdom can prosper with the G&O Confederacy. Signed, Bogion" I gave my vulture the scroll, and set it off. Next, I gave a courier a scroll written to the orcs asking for their men in my militia training camps