Role Play
The Great Elven Division
The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoOkay, so a huge war is happening due to a king's son. See, the king didn't know that he had Dachian as his son which Dachian is a criminal/occasional hero. He really does what he needs to get by, and tries to make up for his crimes. But the hero king, and his son have been arch nemises since they first met. Well Dachian has just killed the king, because he is first in air to the throne. SO, each different son is starting a rebellion to compete, and see who is the next elven king should be. Dachian-> A rather "shady" character. He has a bit of a criminal past, but he has tried to make up for it. Wheather it was a big, great, grand heist, or a petty theivery. Though the people still hated him, sadly. Except a few, Dachian has a fraction of the elven people like his brothers. His people are more traditional, and think he should be the next king.Dachian has dark skin, red eyes, and pointy ears. He's tall, has dark hair, and his expression is usualy a bitter distant look. He is an expert with daggers, but when in a one on one duel with no sneaking he prefers a sword and sheild. Hi guys, David here! Real quick srry I've been gone for too long! I was going to make a new rp group but right now isn't the right time, so for now I'll stay here. I'm excited for this new rp thread, hope we all have fun, and well I'll see you and your characters in the thread!
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoName: Gilrin (means Lady Crowned with Stars); Age: it's unknown, though young for an elf; Appearance: fair skin, long black hair, large green eyes, very beautiful, often wears a silver crown adorn with diamonds that look like stars; Bio: Of the many 'kingdom' under the Rule of the Elvish King she is the princess of the forest, her people are of the forest elves. she is very brave and doesn't fear what she probably should, she's smart, quick tempered, and rather rash when it comes to battles. Weapons of choice(?): her heart lies with the bow but can fight with just about anything she is given. She's also gifted with the very rare gift of elven magic. (any questions just ask:P) OH! and she does not claim a side, she would rather see for herself which side can truly rule as King best. If anything she would rather meet both son and judge for herself which she sees is better fit.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoName: Rose Age: A couple thousand years, still pretty young Looks: Dark brown hair, tan, bright green eyes, kinda on the small side. She perfers the sword, but can use a bow and thowing stars as well as daggers. She's a nomad who's looking for the winning side, and she's not afraid to skip about if the group she originally sided with is losing.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoName:Taoshira Bio:she is a natural born fighter,her parents were killed soon after she was born and she had to grow up alone.She is hard core but has a soft side that she keeps hidden.she is known throughout the land as the best female fighter and is unequaled in every knid of fighting style and is skilled with any weapon she can get her hands on.Most people tend to stay away from her and anyone who challenges her dies immediately.there are rumors that she has a special power of some kind but no one knows what it is. Apperance:click on word apperance.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoHi, real quick I just want to introduce myself because I haven't seen some of you before. I am Dracula, creator of Prison of Souls, and Alive or Dead threads. I try my best to be fun, and challenging here in the rp threads, but also a bit freindly. Have any questions feel free to ask, want to talk to me, go right ahead. Message, comment, whatever you feel, love meeting new people. Thanks for joining The Great Elven Division!
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoName: Caleliel( means Light Elf.) Age: Same as Dachian Looks: Light blonde hair and blue eyes, tall, fair skin. Bio: Her parents died when she was just a small child. The king saw her one day when he visited the towns foster home and saw her and took her back with him. So she has lived within the castle ever since. But now the king, who she loved like a father, was dead. She still lives in the castle under Dachians rule and wishes she could leave. But she acts as a faithful servant to stay in the castle to find a way to defeat Dachian one day. Weapons: her favorite is her sword, but she can wield daggers, an ax and a bow and arrow as well.------Name: Berendir Age:unknown Looks: dark brown hair and green eyes, tall Bio: he is a forest elf warrior who is dedicated to his people and leaders. Weapons: has been trained to wield almost any type of weapon
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoSo when do we start?
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoSure who wants to start?
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: Asleep, I relive... that night. I had just killed the king of the great elven kingdom, ironically I was the "hero"-king's son. He abbandoned me, and my mother to live with the poor. So, when my mother was ill, and needed doctors I decided he owed us the gold. I didn't plan on killing him, but for months I planned the grand heist. Even the most thievous called the heist impossible, but I had no other choice.... but to plunge the great elven kingdom into chaos.
"Sir!" A messenger called, awaking me "Yes, messenger?" I asked, still trying to make it to my feet. "An invitation, lord Dachian." He answered, panting and sweating, "It's to a series of operas. It's rather popular, some say it's the greatest opera they've seen. Fit for royalty, eh!?" "Of course." I sighed taking the invitation, "Fair day, messenger" "Fair day milord!" I haven't much planned as far as personal entertainment. I've decided to go, to all the night performances. |
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoCaleliel- I was still in my night robes, looking out one of the large windows out in the hall across from my room. I heard a door open and saw the messenger leave and soon after Dachian came out, rubbing his head. He still looked sleepy and was wearing his night attire as well. I got up and walked over to him and curtsied some. "What is that my dear Lord Dachian?"----Berendir- I wait with the rest of the forest elf warriors for instructions from Lady Gilrin.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I look over the invitations and give them absently to my father, "Invitations to some engagement," I say as I look out the window at the awaiting warriors, "Father, Is it really in your interest to go to these? We don't know what kind of person this Dachain is." I look over his face and sigh. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he had every interest in going, "It is a good thing for us to go, if this man is to be the next King we are to be his underlings and Lords. He will expect our support." he states making me sigh and give a slight nod, "I know... but we still don't know whom will be ruling the Kingdom." I head toward the door as the guards pull it open, "We'll talk later... I've to meet the warriors, we'll need a guard if we're to travel the Capital city. Not everything is as charming and safe as our forest boarders."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoBerendir- The doors to the castle open and our lord and Lady Gilrin come out. We all fall silent and into attention.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I smile gently at the warriors, these six or so elves had been hand picked by our Sir General himself. According to him these were the best in all of his divisions. "Dear Elf and Elven!" I say in greetings, "Elen sila lumenn omentilmo (A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting)!" which was followed by the common "Mae govannen (Well met)," that chorused through the warriors and forest community that stood in attention for the ceremony. "You are the mightiest and most skilled of our warriors whom have kept our boarders safe from the evils that might trespass. I have gathered you here so that we may give you thanks and great honor" I say motioning to them so that the crowd might witness this, I smile as father sweeps forward, "In honor of your great deeds and the honor that you might bring to us in the future I present you all with this." father says holding up a crest of the Elven Forest, "They have been blessed with protection and strength but not only that, for everyone will know that all who wear these have the blessings of the Forest." I hold up my hands once all the warriors had received their crests, "Belegerea (Mighty ones)! Diola lle (Thank you)!" I say and the crowd around them begins to cheer wildly in thanks. Flowers are thrown into the air and people celebrate
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoBerendir- I look at the crest, noticing how beautiful it was and how a honor it was to have it. As people started to celebrate, we warriors each went up to our lord and Lady Gilrin to thank them. I was last and stepped up to them, bowing. "I thank you my lord. And I thank you as well my Lady Gilrin."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: "You are the one they call Berendir," My father asks, "I've heard much about you, I've heard you have saved us many times." My eyes shift over the warrior as father speaks, "We are to travel to the capital city in three days, we are to stay there for a fortnight." He continued as a messengers handed him a scroll, "Our Lord General said that you would be the best to put in charge of the security details." He handed Berendir the scroll with the orders and assignment. He was to put together a squad of about six companions who were to accompany us to the Capital city for the festivities. "You must be weary though," He said drawing my attention, "our Lady Gilrin does not usually take to the idea of a personal guard." I feel his eyes shift to me and hold them. It was a true statement, it would be interesting to see how this Elf would react to this.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoDachian: "It's an invatation." I answered, now rubbing my neck, "To a few operas here. I hear operas are rare, and all who are on a special list have to be some sort of importance. I've never seen one before, must be very entertaining." I strolled into the "meed house" as the rest of the "royalty" calls it. There a chef cooks the finest, and safest food and serves the sweetest drinks. It's as if the devines set a place to have meals. I sat, and ate my usual breakfast, fried fish stew with wine. Before I could stand, and head to my "baithing/refreshing quaters" as the other royalty calls it, my head generel sat next to me. "Sir, we need to talk about our militia." He informed, "Our men are mighty, but are a outnumbered compared to the statistics our scouts reported." I rubbed my chin, and thought a moment. "If our men are outnumbered, then we need more. If we need more, then maybe some of these die hard tradionists should fight for what they beleive in." I replied, "But you have another plan?" The general laughed, and nodded, "It seems we agree, but some die hard traditionists aren't willing to fight. Though yes I have a plan, we need to start a "program" for prisoners. Instead of jail, we'll send them to a bootcamp, then after bootcamp we'll send them to train with the actual militia, then they may join after 3 months in militia training. That way, we might get the crime rate down, AND get more men." I nodded, "Good, good. Take the prisoners as soon as possible, and transport them immeditaly." I commanded.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoTaoshira-I race through the forest on my newly aquired alicorn Rain.(an alicorn is a unicorn with wings)She is one of the few alicorns left in all the land.any creature i own is immortal ,because since i am immortal i must only be surrounded by animals who shall never die.My trusty wolf companion Ramil runs full stride beside me.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoI laugh lightly as I see preperations for a big event underway "How cute!" I say cheerfully "They're haveing a get-together during a war!" my tone drops and I scowl "Idiots."
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoBerendir- "I will do as you ask of me my lord. And my lady, do not worry. You'll barely notice I'm around you." I say and smile.----Caleliel- I had went back to my room and changed into one of my many dresses. Then I went down to where Dachian was. After his general left, I walked up to him. "Are you to go to the operas my lord? Ive seen only a couple in the past, but they were very good. I believe you should go and ease yourself. You've seemed to have had a lot on your mind lately." I say sitting down across from him.
Re: The Great Elven Division11 Years AgoGilrin: I raise an eyebrow at him, "I doubt that will be possible, but I welcome you to try," I smile gently, "If it is a matter of my health I cannot abject but I pray that you spend you time protecting my father for he is your ruler, not I." I had often had very confused warriors protect me more then my father. It was very distressing but what could be done?