Role Play : Forum : Mt.Olympus

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: " I am Hades, or Lord Hades by my followers it is a pleasure to meet such a fine young lady." I shake her hand and bow my head while I tilt up my helmet. My pony tail brushes into my face as I bow.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

"Hades?" I ask "As in Lord of the underworld? No offense, sir, but I find that quite hard to believe. I mean, I thought the greek gods and goddesses were myths." I think for a moment "Aren't they?"

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: " No we are not, and I'm not just the lord of the dead as everyone seems to recognize me as, I'm also the God of riches. Everything precious that lies below the ground is mine, which is why I'm the richest of the gods. Have you ever seen a normal man stand eight feet tall with a three headed dog that sees the past,and present? That should have screamed not so mortal, don't you think so?"

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

I give him a look "Lord Hades, I could do without the sarcasm, sir. I am well aware of your titles. I'm also aware of the fact that you forced someone to marry you, therefore keeping her a prisoner and from haveing the freedom to choose whom she wished. You may be a God, sir, but I will speak my mind, you have made just as many, if not more mistakes than I have." I think for a moment "By the way, on a side note, do you think Heremes will be ticked off because I went by his name for a while?"

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: "Hermes is a passive creature he does not let such silly things get him mad. Now let me clarify something for you. My wife came to me of her own will. It was her mother that refused to let her marry me, thus we both made a plan to get us together. Of course I'm sure you are aware of the story, I kidnapped her from the overworld and she ate the 3 or 4 pomegranate seeds. Well her mother isn't to happy with the marriage and tells everyone who asks that I abducted her against her will. Yes I have made mistakes in the past that I do regret, but the past is in the past and nothing I do now can change such a fact."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

 I shrug "Whatever floats you boat. Anyhow, I'd better check in with captain what's-his-name."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: "I'll be here if you need to talk with someone," I watched as she left. Cerberus attempted to follow but I grabbed her scruff and pulled her back to me.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Demitraous: "so how was talking to Hades?" I smile "I should explain" I say getting up "you see I am a demigod, I was sent to this camp because just like me many other demigods win up here by accident just like you, it is my job to find them locate them, try to get the to see that they are different and expose them to this world without you sending me to a mental ward" I smirk "I'm Demotraous, Son of well" I laugh "that'll be for you to figure out"

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

I simply nod, accepting the fact. "I'm going to act like this isn't the most insane thing I've ever heard or seen and get on to more important matters. Captain, any orders? I think I might have aggrevated Hades but am not quite sure if I have or not." I tell him "What do you want me to tell the soldiers when I tell them to go back to camp? Do I give them a lame explanation that sounds really important, or tell them to follow orders or else? By the way, I'd love to demonstrate for them what 'else' is."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Demitraous: "tell them whatever you want" I smile "I want to see this"

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Aphrodite-as the girl walks away tward the other boys i wander tward hades."who was that girl"i ask casually.changing to my godess form,but i stay hidden so not to distract the group of boys(i have that affect on mortals,and sometimes gods).

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: "Another pesty youth, but never mind that. It's been too long since I've seen you Aphrodite, I take it you've been in good health." I say bowing my head to her and tipping my helmet up. Cerberus wags her tail and bows as well. "Good day ma'am," She says. 

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Aphrodite-"hello cerberus,how have you been?"i ask as i scratch present behind the ear in her favorite spot. "she looks a might thin,have you been feeding her well,hades?"i ask him

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Hades: "She is fed well but future likes to knock food about and the mutt is picky about food off the ground. She'll fatten while we're up in the overworld since she strips the bark off every tree she sees." I say with a slight chuckle.

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

"Soldiers." I bark, startling them all "Stop laying about and get at attention." They all scramble into position as I wait, counting down "Three. Two. One." I stroll down their ranks. "You are to return to camp immediately, no questions asked, or else, understood, soldiers?" "Yes sir." they all chorus, except for one arrogant boy who was about a foot taller than me. "No questions or what?" He asks "I don't believe I gave you permission to speak." I tell him icily "So? I don't believe you'll do anything about it if we disobey, sir." he says, sarcasm heavily laceing the last word. "Take a step out of line soldier." I order "Now." he steps forward, towering over me, trying to intimidate me with his height. "Now, repeat your earlier question." I tell him "No questions or what?" he repeats haughtily. I go as if to walk away, then turn and kick, my foot landing squarely on his gut. When he doubles over, I do a flip, landing on his other side. I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, grabbing a fistful of hair with my other hand and jerking his head up close to mine. I force him to turn in that painful position to face the others "This, soldier, is what will happen." I hiss, loud enough for the others to hear. I let him out of the hold and begin to walk away "Fight me for real!" he yells "Without any of your sneak attacks!" I sigh and turn back to him "Fine." he gets into a start position, I just stand there. He comes at me with a yell, I side-step. we do this a few more times. "I'm getting tired of this." I say as he squares up for another run. I grab his arm as he comes past and twist it again. I press down on a nerve in his neck, his knees buckle and I force him to kneel. "Goodnight, have horrid dreams." I say sweetly right before he passes out. Dropping him I turn to the others "You have your orders, pick him up and follow them." as I walk away I step on the boy's back, he was in my way *He just had to ask, didn't he?*

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Athena: I look at Artemis sourly, "She has no pride in the mortals that surround her at all." I say gruffly, "Not that it matters to me if she ends up dead in a ditch somewhere."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

"Captain, they're off. Now, what the heck is going on?" I ask "And don't you dare hold out any information, or else. What I did to that boy back there, that wasn't even a fraction of a sneak peek of a demo when it comes to me." I warn "So spill. Now."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Demitraous: I burst out laughing "that was priceless, anyway so the soldiers that go missing don't really go missing they are demigods and when we explain it to them we send them to a special kind of camp a camp sort of different from this one" I explain

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

Artemis- "You must give her credit though. She is a strong and brave woman, to be one of the few women to fight as soldiers. And the way she teaches those boys a lesson is priceless." I say. "But I guess she does need to work on her teamwork issues."

Re: Mt.Olympus

12 Years Ago

"Okay, so what does that have to do with me?" I ask "Will you please just stop going into story mode and get to the flipp'n point? Where is this place, what makes you think I'll go there, and why do you want me to go?" I finish bluntly