Role Play Forum Mt.Olympus
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"No." I tell her "I'm the girl who got stuck with them and would quite frankly like to beat some sense into them. I'm new to the camp, and I did not choose to come here, nor did my parents send me, unlike those boys." I gesture in thier direction "I am most definately not one of them, I fend for myself." the wolf nudges me "Neither is he." I say with a smile.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAthena: "How do you expect to win a battle with that attitude?" I say sourly, "You may be powerful but you are only mortal. You cannot beat an army by yourself, it's offensive to think you'd think that was a strategy of war! One again thousands? You'd die at once." I stop myself before I literally start smoking in frustration, "if you don't stand by your fellow soldiers in mind then how will you expect to stand by them in battle?"
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"Pardon me, but I don't plan to stand beside them in battle." I tell her calmly "I think fighting over some petty feud or some strip of land is crazy and a waste of time. I'd rather not be here. Quite frankly, I was forced her by a bunch of doddering fools who only caught me because I was in a group. I operate alone, don't follow orders, and am, at the moment, the bane of his life." I gesture twards whats-his-name "I do not stand with them, because they have not earned my trust, nor I theirs. Therefore, it would be foolish of me to stand by them and expect them to respect me out of anything but fear, which can easily be turned to hatred."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAthena: "You call that leadership?" I say raising an eyebrow, "You may not like it but your life will in the future be dependent on them." I look over at them then back at her, "You'll need to change your attitude if you're going to live a long life, Antheia." I purr the last word and spin on my heels. Mortals were ridiculous.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"That's the point." I call after the young girl "I don't plan on liveing a long life, never have, never will." I turn back to whats-his-name "Any orders, Captain?"
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAthena: I grumble under my breathe. In the end I didn't get to have any fun. I sigh, "Well might as well do something to waste time," I head for a local city.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI nod politely to the others "Sorry for disturbing you, sir, miss. Captain, I'll be over there if you need me, sir." I walk off, keeping my distance from everyone. *I have got to cool down before I talk to anyone else, or I might just seriously hurt them.*
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoDemitraous: "yes tell the others to return to camp, it is no longer safe to be out here" I say slowly "with so many Greek gods and goddesses about who knows what could happen to a mere mortal, you and I will remain here to discuss some things with them while we have their attention" I command "besides I would really like to rack Athena's mind for fighting strategies" I smile slightly
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI give him a look "Gods and Goddesses? You mean like the greek gods?" he nods "Captain, are you feeling well? Perhaps you need to rest in the shade for a moment, sir." I say as I back off a step. *Has he gone nuts?*
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoDemitraous: "I'm quite alright" I smile cooly "which parent of yours ran off when you were a kid?" I asked cautiously
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI laugh humorlessly "Both of them. Why do you think I became a master thief? Did you think it was just for fun?" I cross my arms "Besides, why are you so interested in my dark past full of crime and dissapointment?" I ask "I stole from a couple places, got in a group, got caught, was sent here, end of story."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoHades: I watch as the crowd grows bigger. Not the type of person to deal with crowds I step back into the woodlands but still in sight of everyone. Cerberus travels from person to person being "friendly", which for her is placing her center head on their shoulders and licking their ears while the left head nipped their ankles and the right just did whatever; for that head was blind and couldn't really see the situation. I sat down on a log and waited while the crowd of mortals and not so mortals did their thing.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoArtemis- I follow after Athena. "Getting a lil irritated with the mortals Athena?" I ask, walking next to her.------Apollo- I left Mt.Olympus and headed over to Delphi.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoSure, the dog was wierd, I mean, it had three heads and huge, but it was kinda cute. I pet the head in the middle, another one tries to nip at my ankles, but I just bop it lightly on the nose and tell it "No." firmly and it stops. I pet that one "Good dog." I murmur. I find the other head and realise it's blind "You poor thing." I gently reach out to pet it, it jerks back, but I calm it down enough to scratch it in a certain spot behind the ears. I laugh as the huge thing rolls over onto it's back, begging for more. I pet it a bit more before I slip off into the woods, I don't like crowds. I see the dog's owner sitting there and stop "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just go over there." I tell him, gesturing to the other side of the clearing "I've already disturbed you once today, I'd not like to add pestering to that complaint, sir."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoHades: "Oh no no it's perfectly fine. As long as my company stays just one it will be ok." I gesture for Cerberus to come. She gallops over and nudges her head under my hand. I place my other hand under the blind ones chin and my toes scratch the other ones neck. The center head licks at my face and asks, "Hades darling can we stay in the overworld for a little longer? I'm having a fun time."
"Of course we can my dear,"I say scratching her behind her ears. |
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"You can talk to her? Understand her?" I ask excitedly "I didn't think that was possible, all I can hear are barks and other noises dogs usually make." I reach down to rest my hand on the wolf's head, scratching gently. "I wish I could talk to animals, it would make helping them so much easier." I tell him "And it would help me name them, to, I hate nameing animals, they might not like the name I saddle them with." the wolf rotates it's head a bit, getting me to scratch under it's chin, then the top of it's head again.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoHades: " You see she can speak human tongue but only to those she trusts. Right now you hear barks because she only wishes to speak with me, but when you get to know her she will speak fluently for all to hear." Cerberus turned to the youth, but looked at me and asked, " May I trust this one with my words?" I nodded at her.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"I'd be honored if you saw fit to trust me." I tell her "But I understand if you don't, I've done nothing to prove myself trustworthy or to gain your trust."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoHades: I watch the mutt extend her paw to the youth as if to shake her hand, "Cerberus is the name if you talk to us as a whole. If you talk to me specifically my name is Present,the one on my left is Past and the blind one is Future," the center head says," but those two can't really see you unless it is your past self, and future just can't see." I chuckle at her. She always has to say these kinds of things when meeting a new person. She always forgets to mention the slight detail of why Future is blind and leaves me to fill in the blank, "Future is blind because you truly cannot predict the future so you can't really see it. Just watch out when she flails her head about and starts wailing, she can do some serious damage."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI take her huge paw "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. It's quite nice to meet you properly, Past, Present, and Future." I turn to the man "Sir, I'm afraid I still don't know your name." I extend my hand "My name is Antheia, but friends call me Theia for short. Either that or my clients call me by one of my two nicknames on the job, they were odd, but I liked them quite well."