Role Play
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoApollo- I shrug. Maybe it was one of the other gods or goddesses that were coming to see the camp.----Artemis- "Of course. After you." I say, then following in beside her after she and Luna dash off.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"More of them?" I ask, exasperated "How many will I have to meet in one day? It's bad enough I've already ticked one off, why do they have to keep on showing up?" I look at Apollo "No offense to you, you're the most normal one thus far." I look back to the shapes that were comeing steadily closer "I can just make out a figure on what looks like a horse, but the horse has wings, a pegasus, if I'm remembering correctly." I take my pack, which I still hadn't put in the cabin, off my shoulder, reach in, and pull out a pair of binoculars. "Don't know why I didn't think of this before." Looking through them I did a few adjustments to range and such, get a clear picture, then hand them to Apollo "Anyone look farmiliar?" I ask "Or can you tell?"
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAphrodite-I laugh as we race through the forest and finally reach the of artemis's nymphs blows a horn as we approach."is that really necessary"i ask the nymph and it stops playing.As i ride Luna into camp with artemis i see a group of girls and apollo standing outside.I pull Luna up in front of them and dismount.i signal and Luna flies off.i see the girl from earlier,Antheia i think her name was."hello"i say to everyone.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI groan and take the binoculars back from Apollo "Never mind." I say as I place them back into my pack and hoist it back up onto my shoulders. "If I may, ma'am," I ask "who exactly are you? I met you earlier, but can't seem to recall your name."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoApollo- "Ah hello Aphrodite. And Artemis, sister. I was wondering when you would show up."---Artemis- "What are you doing here Apollo? I thought you had to take care of the oracle business at Delphi."----Apollo- "Oh I finished it all. I got fed up after that general asked such a silly question of whether to follow Athena's battle advice or not. But I've been here with Raina and the rest of these lovely ladies here."----Artemis- I lift an eyebrow at him then shake my head. "You better behave yourself brother." I say. He gives me a bright smile and says of course.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAphrodite-"as apollo here said, i am Aphrodite"I tell antheia.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoRaina: "Lady Artemis I'm glad to see you back" I smile "Antheia this is Milady Artemis who I've been talking with you about, Milady this is Antheia" I introduce the two "I do believe the games are about to start if you would like to participate and watch" I exclaim as I head off toward the field "I'll be participating a well this year beings im here, they don't just serve as a way to find your god parent but also as a way to show off your talents and skills as well" Demitraous: I had followed the two goddesses to camp "hey" I smiled when I spotted Antheia "have fun in the games" I called a I watched her and Raina walk off
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"Wait, what exactly am I supposed to do in these games? Survive?" I ask as we walk "I'm clueless here."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoRaina: "there will be a series of events that you will participate in to the best of your ability" I explain "it's simple" I smile
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years Ago"Okay, I can deal with that, as long as one of the events isn't a beauty walk or something." Arsen barks next to me and I smile "Good to know you agree, partner."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoHades: They all left. I finally had some time to myself. I pat Cerberus on the head, " Ready for some exercise mutt?" She nodded then ran off as fast as she could.
"Hey no head start you cheater!" I yelled to her. I ran after her eventually catching up and we both stayed at a steady speed. I could see the camp the others talked about in the distance. I turned slightly so we wouldn't run through it. We spent a few hours running circles around it, making sure to keep it in sight but not get close to it. |
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoA large man with an impressive red beard and mustache stands in front of me "So yer the new one, eh?" he says as he looks me up and down "Kinda scrawny look'n. Looks like I'll have to get the light armor out." I hold up a hand "No, I don't need the lightest. Give me whatever you've got, I'll make it work." he laughs "So yer a confident one? That'll make these games all th'more interest'n." I laugh with him "The best part is," I tell him "I can actually back up my confidence." He grins and hefts a large hammer off the wall and holds it out to me. "Well then, let's see how 'ya do. Take this and, if 'ya can, bring it down on that anvil over there." he says, jerking his thumb twards the anvil he reffered to. I nod and take it. I hold it easily as I walk, I raise it above my head in a swift motion then bring it down where it hits the anvil with a reverbrateing clang. I raise it back up and carry it over to him "That satisfying, sir?" I ask as he takes it "By the way, nice hammer, it would hold up in a fight, I may need to get me one of those."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoApollo- I sit down in the stands excited to watch how the competitors would do. I smile as Artemis comes to sit next to me. "Your not announcing the start of the games this year sister?" I say a bit surprised.-----Artemis- "No. Now I can watch more of it. I let Aphrodite do it this year." I say then look at him. "I hope you weren't pestering dear Raina. I don't want her distracted during the games. And the same goes for the new one, Antheia. I want to see her talents. I may ask her to join my huntresses if I like her."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI catch up with Raina "Hey, what's first?" I ask as I stretch my arms "I want to be ready for everything." I continue my stretches, looking around the whole time
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoRaina: "Archery" I smirk "then swords, hand to hand combat, survivalism and then battle royale" I explain
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI smile "Now you're talking my language!" I stand strait and look about "Now, who am I up against? One person or the whole camp?" I walk over to where a line of unclaimed bows stood. I try out the pull on a few of the smaller ones and sigh "None that fit." I move on to the larger ones. I settle for a longbow with a good bit of weight. "Not exactly perfect for me, but it'll do." I think for a moment then reach into my pack. I pull out a leather cylinder about two foot long and pull something out of it. With a few twists and snaps I "unfold" a bow. "Hey, are we allowed to use our own weapons?" I ask "Or do we have to use the camp's? I'm good with either, but this one," I hold up my bow "has never failed me."
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoRaina: I shoot three slender arrows from my silver now directly at the farthest target each splitting the last one exactly down the center splitting the arrows in two " whichever you prefer" I sigh "this challenge is a bit of a bore" I yawn "they never put the targets far enough, I'm good at this one but hand to hand is my forte, nobody has ever beaten me at either" I grin
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoAphrodite-"Ladies and gentlemen,youth and gods of all ages,I am proud to announce the start of the 31st annual foster god games. demi-gods from all over the globes come to compete and discover their god parent.The first event is archery,archers take your marks,take aim and...BEGIN!!!" Stashia-i pull my walrus tusk arrows out of my quiver,noch them in my whale bone bow(things from my native land),and let them fly.The arrows hits their mark in the dead center of the target.when i look around Antheia, Raina and I are the only ones who made it to the final round.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoI look at the target and adjust my bow, makeing it larger with a few twists, now I have a longbow with an even greater pull. "Bring it." I say smiling. They bring out the targets and I drown out all other noise except for my breathing, the sound of my bow and arrows, and the announcer's voice: "Ready," In a single, swift motion I pull the arrow from my quiver and nock it, pointed at the ground. "aim," I pull back the bow, makeing adjustments for wind and distance. "fire!" I release the arrow, listening with pride to the twang of the bow and the wistleing of the arrow as it flew through the air. I close my eye and take a deep breath, then open them. It was like I was in a dream, everything had slowed down. I see the arrow glideing through the air, arching slowly downwards twards the target. It slowly gains speed until it lands with a thud and a splintering of wood as it splits the other one that had hit the center perfectly in half. I blink again and everything returns to normal. I smile as the crowd cheers, whether for me or not, I don't know, and I don't care. I just feel the adrenaline pumping through me and the sense of accomplishment, that was enough for me.
Re: Mt.Olympus11 Years AgoSashia-I smile as I see Atheia's shot.she's good i think to myself.I take out two arrows if i'm going to win this event i have to wow the crowd with some fancy trick moves...I fire one arrow straight into the air,the crowd lets out a gasp of dissapointment just wait i think.I take out my second arrow and fire it twards the first one.the second arrow hits the first near the end and both come spiraling down flipping over repeatedly.they both hit the target in the center.the second arrow splitting the first in half.i curse silently under my breath because that trick always costs me an arrow.The crowd roars with applause.